Enhanced Quote SpreadSheet (EQSS)

The Enhanced Quote SpreadSheet (EQSS) provides a high degree of flexibility in displaying quote data. Unlike the Quote SpreadSheet, you are not restricted to a single type of data in a column or to data for a specific instrument in a row.

When it is first opened, EQSS displays numbered rows and at least one column header row that contains no text.

Cells are classified into six categories: column header, row header, comment, symbols, empty, and value. As you work in EQSS, you will notice tool tips that help you identify the type and contents of cells.

      Header cells are at the top of EQSS, and you can type directly into the cell.

      If you type in a cell, the system assumes you are typing a symbol unless you use comment notation.

      Comment cells work here just as they do in any quote window. Comment cells are a way to insert headings and subheadings that are not at the top of EQSS.

      Data cells contain a particular value for the symbol on that row.



Hover the mouse over a cell to display a tooltip.

To open EQSS, click the Quote button, then click Enhanced Quote SpreadSheet.