CQG RTWAP is a Randomized Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP)
Order types: MKT, LMT
Benchmark: Time-Weighted Average Price (Randomized).
Method: Trade over time with randomly-sized slices.
Name |
Tag number |
Format |
Comment |
TargetStrategy |
847 |
Int |
1003 - CQG RTWAP |
StartTime |
8151 |
Time after which the algo will begin execution. No slices will be released before this time. Replaced with UTC Now acquired by CQG Algo Engine when this parameter is in the past or not present. Unless stated otherwise, can be updated to different value before algo execution has started; value change is ignored after algo start. Default – Now. | |
EndTime |
8152 |
Time that, when set, represents the Computed End Time. Cannot be specified together with MaxDurationInMinutes. Automatically replaced with order’s symbol specific end of trading day when set to time after trading day end. Default: symbol specific end of trading day. | |
MaxDurationInMinutes |
9030 |
Float |
If set, this value is added to StartTime to yield the Computed End Time. At the Computed End Time, all slices in the market will be paid up. Non-working size will be cancelled. MaxDurationInMinutes cannot be specified together with End Time. If neither this value, nor End Time are set, the Computed End Time will default to order’s symbol specific end of trading day. Computed End Time will be set to order’s symbol specific end of trading day the when StartTime + MaxDurationInMinutes is after trading day end. |
IWouldPrice |
8816 |
Float |
Price at which algo will indiscriminately take all posted liquidity until filled. Default – Not Set. |
IntervalInSeconds |
8820 |
Int |
Interval in seconds between launching two consecutive child orders. Currently there is no limit for this parameter value for this algo but it is not reasonable to use values greater than algo duration. |
OrderSizeOverride |
8840 |
Int |
Set child order size manually or order size will be determined by Interval and Max Duration. When has positive value IntervalInSeconds parameter value is ignored and actual interval is calculated as OrderSizeOverride * (Computed End Time – Actual Start Time) / OrderQty. Default – Not Set. Allowed value range is [0; algo order size]; algo order size is used when this parameter value exceeds it. |
UseMbo |
9360 |
Boolean |
Randomize child sizes based on market-by-order population. Default – false. |
RandMin |
9370 |
Int |
Minimum value for the random sizing. Default – 0. |
RandMax |
9380 |
Int |
Maximum value for the random sizing. Default – 0. |
TickOffset |
8402 |
Int |
Initial placement of child orders relative to best level. 0 means join best, -1 means one tick through the market. Default – 0. |
PayupModel |
9105 |
Char |
See CQG PAYUP algo. |
ModelSensitivity |
9111 |
Float |
See CQG PAYUP algo. |
OppositeSizeRatio |
9120 |
Float |
See CQG PAYUP algo. |
OppositeSizeRaw |
9130 |
Float |
See CQG PAYUP algo. |
OnMiss |
9106 |
Char |
See CQG PAYUP algo. |
MaxChaseTicks |
8202 |
Int |
See CQG PAYUP algo. |