Decoding Sequence

This section provides a detailed example of the process for decoding a FAST message. You should thoroughly test your application to determine that you have properly decoded a message.

Note: This decoding example is a generic description of the basic decoding process; it does not reflect the structure of the reference code.

FAST message decoding consists of three major steps:

Step 1: Transfer Decoding

      Identify Template ID and Pmap bit value for each given field. Pmap values are 0, 1.

      Decode FAST 7-bit binary values to identify data present in the message.

Step 2: Field Decoding

      Apply field operators to extracted binary values.

      Determine state of field to be decoded.

Step 3: Build FIX Message

      Apply FIX or internal structure to the decoded message.

The decoding sequence in the example used throughout this section uses a FAST message containing a header, trade, and two new bids.