DirectOnBehalfOfSubID Mode

CQG FIX API supports ‘direct OnBehalfOfSubID’ functionality. If this option is enabled for the FIX Vendor, then the OnBehalfOfSubID(116) field from an incoming message is not required to be a recognized CQG Gateway trader username, and the order will not be placed in CQG Gateway on behalf of another CQG trader. Instead, when order is sent via supported exchange connections, the value supplied in OnBehalfOfSubID(116) is considered to be the order’s ‘operator ID’ and passed directly to the exchange in the appropriate exchange API field (often that is SenderSubID, but can vary by exchange API) without any authority checking inside the CQG Gateway (so specified trader name could be invalid).

If DirectOnBehalfOfSubID mode is enabled, FIX client must also fill NoPartyIDs repeating group in order requests in order to provide applicableTrader Flexible Identifiers for the exchange being traded, as there will be no CQG Gateway trader from which to get them. For example, FID_TraderShortCode is critical for MiFID-regulated exchanges.

The field SenderLocationID(142) is also required in DirectOnBehalfOfSubID mode, and all requests without that field will be rejected.

DirectOnBahalfOfSubID mode is supported for next execution systems:








