This message is a fill notice or a confirmation or acknowledgment of an order creation, modification, or cancellation. It is sent by the CQG gateway in response to an Order Cancel/Replace Request (G) or New Order Single (D) or as a result of an order matching leading to trade creation.
Note that orders expired due to time in force conditions can be reported with OrdStatus either set to 4 (Canceled) or C (Expired). It depends on how exchanges report expiration events and also whether an order was expired by an exchange or the CQG gateway.
Tag |
Field Name |
Format |
Req |
Comments | |
Standard Header |
Y |
MsgType = 8 | |
1 |
Account |
String(256) |
N |
Account ID (managed by the CQG gateway) | |
6 |
AvgPx |
Price |
Y |
Calculated average price of all fills on this order. If order has no fills, the CQG gateway sends 0 in this tag. | |
11 |
ClOrdID |
String(64) |
C |
ClOrdID of the original New Order Single, Cancel Request, or Cancel/Replace Request. Format for orders originating from CQG IC: ‘CQG_’ + numeric order identifier. | |
12 |
Commission |
Price |
N |
Commission charged for a fill. | |
13 |
CommType |
Char |
N |
Identifies commission type. Valid values: 3 = Absolute | |
14 |
CumQty |
Qty |
Y |
Total number of shares that have filled over the life of this order. | |
15 |
Currency |
String(64) |
C |
Currency code associated with the price. Sent only if tag 150 (ExecType) is 1 (Partial Fill) or 2 (Fill) on reports for single securities. For multi-leg securities, tag 50556 (LegCurrency) is populated instead. Currency format is ISO-4217-based currency code, note that cryptos use codes that are ISO-4217-style, though usually not actual ISO codes and can be longer than 3 chars. | |
17 |
ExecID |
String |
Y |
Identifier generated by the CQG gateway for this execution report. Unique for order chain. | |
18 |
ExecInst |
Multiple ValueString |
N |
As per the New Order Single or Cancel/Replace Request. | |
19 |
ExecRefID |
String |
C |
Refers to ExecID of the original fill in case of fill correction, fill cancel or fill bust. | |
20 |
ExecTransType |
Char |
Y |
Identifies transaction type. Valid values: 0 = New 1 = Cancel 2 = Correct 3 = Status [response to Order Mass Status Request (UAF)] | |
22 |
IDSource |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
30 |
LastMkt |
String(4) |
N |
Market of execution for last fill, or an indication of the market where an order was routed. Market identification codes (ISO 10383) are used as exchange identifiers. | |
31 |
LastPx |
Price |
C |
This tag indicates the price at which the fill occurred. | |
32 |
LastShares |
C |
This tag indicates quantity of shares bought/sold on this (last) fill. | |
37 |
OrderID |
String(32) |
Y |
Unique identifier for the order as assigned by the CQG gateway. This ID changes as a result of changes to an order. New OrderID appears in Execution Report with ExecType = Replace and OrdStatus = Replaced. | |
38 |
OrderQty |
Qty |
Y* |
Order’s total quantity. | |
39 |
OrdStatus |
Char |
Y |
Identifies the current status of an order. Valid values: 0 = New 1 = Partially filled 2 = Filled 4 = Canceled 5 = Replaced 6 = Pending Cancel 8 = Rejected 9 = Suspended A = Pending New C = Expired E = Pending Replace Z = Disconnected (order may be cancelled because a disconnect occurred) | |
40 |
OrdType |
Char |
N |
Used to specify the type of order. As per the New Order Single. | |
41 |
OrigClOrdID |
String(64) |
C |
OrigClOrdID of the original Cancel Request or Cancel/Replace Request. Format for orders originating from CQG IC: ‘CQG_’ + numeric order identifier. | |
44 |
Price |
Price |
N |
As per the New Order Single or Cancel/Replace Request. | |
48 |
SecurityID |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
54 |
Side |
Char |
Y |
As per the New Order Single. | |
55 |
Symbol |
String(64) |
Y |
As per the New Order Single. | |
58 |
Text |
String |
N |
Custom user-supplied text for this order (“Order comment” specified from CQG client). | |
59 |
TimeInForce |
Char |
N |
As per the New Order Single. | |
60 |
TransactTime |
UTC Timestamp |
N |
Time at which the execution being reported occurred. | |
64 |
FutSettDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Specific date of trade settlement expressed in local time at place of settlement. | |
65 |
SymbolSfx |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
66 |
ListID |
String(64) |
C |
Required if this order is a leg of a compound order and helps client identify the compound order. Matches the value supplied by the client in its original New Order List request. | |
77 |
OpenClose |
Char |
N |
Indicates whether the resulting position after a trade should be an opening position or closing position. Valid values: O = Open C = Close P = Close previous day | |
97 |
PossResend |
Boolean |
N |
Indicates that message may contain information that has been sent under another sequence number. | |
99 |
StopPx |
Price |
N |
As per the New Order Single or Cancel/Replace Request. | |
115 |
OnBehalfOfCompID |
String(32) |
N |
Broker company ID used when sending notifications via the CQG gateway. Note this field is a part of Standard Header. | |
126 |
ExpireTime |
UTCTimestamp |
C |
Time of order expiration. Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTT. | |
128 |
DeliverToCompID |
String(32) |
N |
Trading firm that the trader specified in tag 129 (DeliverToSubID) belongs to. Part of Standard Header. | |
129 |
DeliverToSubID |
String(32) |
N |
CQG username of the trader who placed the order. Part of Standard Header. | |
150 |
ExecType |
Char |
Y |
Describes the nature of the execution report while OrdStatus identifies the status of the order. Valid values: 0 = New 1 = Partial fill 2 = Fill 4 = Canceled 5 = Replace 6 = Pending Cancel 8 = Rejected 9 = Suspended A = Pending New C = Expired E = Pending Replace I = Order Status Z = Disconnected (order may be cancelled because a disconnect occurred) | |
151 |
LeavesQty |
Qty |
Y |
Amount of shares open for further execution. Always 0 if OrdType (tag 39) = 4 (Canceled). | |
167 |
SecurityType |
String |
N |
Indicates type of security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
198 |
SecondaryOrderID |
String |
N |
CQG-assigned ticket number for this order request, based on order ID assigned by the execution system. | |
200 |
MaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Month and Year of the maturity. Format: YYYYMM. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |
201 |
PutOrCall |
Int |
N |
Indicates whether an Option is a put or call. Valid values: 0 = Put 1 = Call Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
202 |
StrikePrice |
Price |
N |
Option strike price. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
205 |
MaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Day of the maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |
207 |
SecurityExchange |
String |
N |
Market used to help identify a security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
210 |
MaxShow |
Qty |
C |
Conditionally present if ExecInst contains “i” (Iceberg). Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown to other customers. | |
211 |
PegDifference |
Price |
C |
Conditionally required if ExecInst includes R (Trailing). Matches New Order Single. | |
223 |
CouponRate |
Price |
N |
For fixed income. Coupon rate of the bond. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
388 |
DiscretionInst |
Char |
C |
Code to identify the price a DiscretionOffset is related to and should be mathematically added to. Required if DiscretionOffset is specified. Valid values: 0 = Related to displayed price | |
389 |
DiscretionOffset |
Float |
N |
Amount (signed) added to the "related to" price specified via DiscretionInst, in the context of DiscretionOffsetType. | |
432 |
ExpireDate |
LocalMktDate |
C |
Date of order expiration; last day the order can execute in terms of local market date. Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD. | |
442 |
MultiLegReportingType |
Char |
C |
Used to indicate what an Execution Report (8) represents (e.g. used with multi-leg securities, such as option strategies, spreads, etc.). Valid values: 1 = Single security (default if not specified) 2 = Individual leg of a multi-leg security 3 = Multi-leg security | |
541 |
MaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Date of maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |
1028 |
ManualOrderIndicator |
Boolean |
N |
Echoes value specified in corresponding order request (place, cancel, replace). | |
50461 |
CFICode |
String |
N |
Indicates the type of security as per ISO 10962 standard. For futures: FXXXXX; For options: OPXXXX, OCXXXX; For spreads: MXXXXX; For other instruments: XXXXXX. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
50762 |
SecuritySubType |
String |
N |
Sub-type qualification/identification of the SecurityType(167). For SecurityType(167) = "MLEG" CQG can provide the name of the futures strategy, such as Calendar, Crack, Butterfly, etc. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
51031 |
CustOrderHandlingInst |
Char |
N |
FIA Execution Source Code value for this request. Possible values: W – Desk Y – Electronic (Default) C – Vendor-provided Platform billed by Executing Broker G - Sponsored Access via Exchange API or FIX provided by Executing Broker H - Premium Algorithmic Trading Provider billed by Executing Broker D - Other, including Other-provided Screen | |
20001 |
Aggressive |
Boolean |
N |
Flag used to identify whether the fill is made as aggressor or not. Presence of the flag depends on exchange support. | |
20004 |
TriggerQty |
Qty |
C |
Trigger quantity for quantity triggered order types as per the original order. | |
20010 |
AccountName |
String |
N |
Symbolic name of account. | |
20014 |
FCMAccountNumber |
String |
N |
Unique identifier of the account of the FCM. | |
20023 |
StatementDate |
LocalMktDate |
C |
FCM business day this trade corresponds to. Present only when ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill” and MultiLegReportingType (tag 442) is 1 (Single security) or 2 (Individual leg of a multi-leg security). Absent in all other cases. | |
20026 |
OrderSource |
String(24) |
N |
Identifier of the CQG sub-system that originated this order. It can be used to identify trades entered manually by FCM using CQG Customer and Account Service Tool (CAST). For such orders, this string begins with letters “CAST”. Format for other systems is not defined and can change any time. | |
20027 |
TradeID |
String |
C |
Unique ID assigned to the trade entity once it is received or matched by the exchange or central counterparty. | |
20029 |
ChainOrderID |
String(64) |
Y |
Unique identifier for the whole order chain, which stays unchanged even when order is modified or cancelled. For the original order ChainOrderID = OrderID. | |
20036 |
String(32) |
C |
Required if this order is a leg of a compound order and helps client identify the compound order. Matches the value assigned by CQG gateway and returned with List Status Request. | |
20052 |
PeggedStopPx |
Price |
C |
Conditionally required if ExecInst includes R (Trailing) and OrdType=3 (Stop) or 4 (Stop limit). Provides the stop price of the order, as adjusted by CQG gateway according to Trailing exec instructions. | |
20062 |
SalesSeriesNumber |
String(16) |
N |
Reserved for account sales series identification used by custom FIX API vendor. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
20111 |
OrderPlacementTime |
N |
Time the order was first placed (received by CQG gateway). | ||
20112 |
LastModifierUsername |
String(32) |
N |
Name of the trader who made the last order status change. | |
20115 |
OrderCheckMark |
Boolean |
N |
Order check mark. Note: This is not the same order check mark as in CQG IC. | |
20119 |
ExchangeKeyID |
String(10) |
N |
Unique identifier of exchange assigned by the CQG gateway. | |
20122 |
FillExecID |
String(64) |
N |
Identifier, generated by the CQG gateway, of this fill event. | |
20124 |
ClientRegulatoryAlgorithmID |
Int |
N |
Regulatory Algorithm ID specified in recent request on this order chain. | |
20125 |
EffectiveRegulatoryAlgorithmID |
Int |
N |
Regulatory Algorithm ID actually sent to exchange. | |
20128 |
OmnibusAccount |
String(256) |
N |
Omnibus Account ID (managed by the CQG gateway). This tag contains value specified on order placement (NewOrderSingle, NewOrderMultileg, NewOrderList). If tag 20128 was not specified in order placement request it will not be sent in the order executions. | |
20130 |
FillCareOrderRequestID |
String(64) |
N |
Identifier for a fill care request. | |
20132 |
SpecificSymbol |
String |
N |
An identifier for a specific instrument mapped at the moment of this fill report to Relative Daily Future contract. See Syntax for Symbol (tag 55). Present only when ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill”. | |
20133 |
SpecificMaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Date of maturity for Specific Symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. Present only when ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill”. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. Present only when tag SpecificSymbol(20132) is present. | |
20134 |
SpecificMaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Day of maturity for Specific Symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured Present only when ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill”. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. Present only when tag SpecificSymbol(20132) is present. | |
20135 |
SpecificMaturityMonthYear |
String |
N |
Month and year of the maturity for Specific Symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. Present only when ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill”. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. Present only when tag SpecificSymbol(20132) is present. | |
20601 |
SpecificContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Contract date of the Specific Symbol. Present only when tag SpecificSymbol(20132) is present. | |
20602 |
SpecificContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the Specific Symbol. Contains day of
month (1-31). | |
20603 |
SpecificContractMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Contract month and year of the Specific Symbol. Format: YYYYMM. | |
20137 |
IsCareOrder |
Boolean |
N |
Indicates that message corresponds to care order. | |
20154 |
SpeculationType |
Char |
N |
Specifies a speculation type for an order. Valid values: S = Speculation H = Hedge A = Arbitrage | |
20172 |
ExpireTimeHR |
UTC HR Timestamp |
C |
The high-precision time of order expiration. Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD. Supported format: YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.ssssss (microseconds). | |
20175 |
TransactTimeHR |
UTC HR Timestamp |
N |
The high-precision time at which the execution being reported occurred. Supported format: YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.ssssss (microseconds). | |
20176 |
MifidAlgorithmID |
String |
C |
Must be supplied if the order execution decision was made by an algorithm under MiFID II definitions. | |
20177 |
MifidAlgorithmIDType |
Int |
C |
Specified the type of MifidAlgorithmID (20176). Valid values: 1 = External Mifid Algorithm ID 2 = CQG Mifid Algorithm ID | |
20178 |
MifidAppliedAlgorithmID |
String |
C |
MiFID algorithm ID associated with the order request for execution in this account. | |
20179 |
MifidAppliedAlgorithmIDType |
Int |
C |
Specified the type of MifidAppliedAlgorithmID (20178). Valid values: 1 = External Mifid Algorithm ID 2 = CQG Mifid Algorithm ID | |
20180 |
MifidExecutionDecision |
String |
C |
Value of MiFID Execution Within Firm associated with this order for execution in this account, reflects FCM+route short code mapping if configured. | |
20182 |
MifidExecutionDecisionIsAlgo |
Boolean |
C |
Indicates whether MiFID execution decision identifies a person (N) or algorithm (Y). | |
20183 |
MifidInvestmentDecision |
String |
C |
Value of MiFID Investment Decision Within Firm associated with this order. | |
20184 |
MifidInvestmentDecisionIsAlgo |
Boolean |
C |
Indicates whether MiFID investment decision identifies a person (N) or algorithm (Y). | |
20191 |
ContingentSourceOrderID |
Int |
С |
Order chain ID of a contingent order that is a source of this order. Filled only when this order is created by OPO partial fill handling. | |
20193 |
TodayCutoff |
UTCTimestamp |
N |
UTC timestamp this order fill should be considered a previous day fill. | |
20185 |
NoExtraAttributes |
NumInGroup |
N |
Extra attributes repeating group | |
à |
20186 |
ExtraAttributeName |
String(32) |
Y |
Extra attribute name |
à |
20187 |
ExtraAttributeValue |
String(64) |
Y |
Extra attribute value |
20226 |
TradingVenueTransactionID |
String(64) |
N |
MIFID Trading Venue Transaction Identification Code (TVTIC) | |
50479 |
CommCurrency |
String(64) |
N |
Specifies ISO code of currency to be used for Commission (tag 12). Currency format is ISO-4217-based currency code, note that cryptos use codes that are ISO-4217-style, though usually not actual ISO codes and can be longer than 3 chars. | |
50526 |
SecondaryClOrderID |
String |
C |
Order identifier assigned by CQG gateway when sending the order to the execution system. | |
50715 |
ClearingBusinessDate |
LocalMktDate |
C |
Exchange day this trade corresponds to. Present only when ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill” and MultiLegReportingType (tag 442) is 1 (Single security) or 2 (Individual leg of a multi-leg security). Absent in all other cases. | |
20607 |
ContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Contract date of the symbol. | |
20608 |
ContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the symbol. Contains day of month
(1-31). | |
20609 |
ContractMonthYear |
String |
N |
Contract month and year of the symbol. Format:
20618 |
ExternalAccountNumber |
String |
C |
Secondary FCMAccountNumber specified by a broker. Completely overridde the value of tag Account (1) when the order gets sent to the execution system. | |
20619 |
TrailPeg |
Char |
C |
Conditionally required if ExecInst includes R (Trailing) for limit orders only. Valid values: 1 = Best Bid 2 = Best Ask 3 = Last Trade | |
20632 |
ExtraLimitPx |
Price |
N |
As per the New Order Single or Cancel/Replace Request. | |
50715 |
ClearingBusinessDate |
LocalMktDate |
C |
Exchange day this trade corresponds to. Present only when ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill” and MultiLegReportingType (tag 442) is 1 (Single security) or 2 (Individual leg of a multi-leg security). Absent in all other cases. | |
Start of component block, expanded in line < LegsGrp > | |||||
50555 |
NoLegs |
NumInGroup |
C |
Number of legs repeating group instances. Sent only if Tag 442 (MultiLegReportingType) is 3 (Multi-leg security). | |
à |
50556 |
LegCurrency |
String(64) |
C |
Currency code associated with a particular leg's quantity. First field in repeating group. Required if NoLegs (50555) > 0. Currency format is ISO-4217-based currency code, note that cryptos use codes that are ISO-4217-style, though usually not actual ISO codes and can be longer than 3 chars. |
à |
50564 |
LegOpenClose |
Char |
N |
Indicates whether the resulting position after a trade should be an opening position or closing position. Valid values: O = Open C = Close P = Close previous day |
à |
50588 |
LegSettlDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Specific date of leg trade settlement expressed in local time at place of settlement. |
à |
50600 |
LegSymbol |
String(64) |
C |
Multi-leg instrument’s individual security symbol. |
à |
50601 |
LegSymbolSfx |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
50602 |
LegSecurityID |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
50603 |
LegSecurityIDSource |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
50608 |
LegCFICode |
String |
N |
Indicates the type of security as per ISO 10962 standard. For futures: FXXXXX; For options: OPXXXX, OCXXXX; For spreads: MXXXXX; For other instruments: XXXXXX. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
50609 |
LegSecurityType |
String |
N |
Indicates type of security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
50610 |
LegMaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Month and Year of the maturity. Format: YYYYMM. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. |
à |
50611 |
LegMaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Date of maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. |
à |
50612 |
LegStrikePrice |
Price |
N |
Option strike price. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
50615 |
Price |
N |
For fixed income. Coupon rate of the bond. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
50616 |
String |
N |
Market used to help identify a security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
50617 |
LegAggressive |
Boolean |
N |
Flag used to identify whether the leg fill is made as aggressor or not. Presence of the flag depends on exchange support. |
à |
50623 |
LegRatioQty |
Qty |
N |
Ratio of quantity for this individual leg relative to the entire multileg security. |
à |
50624 |
LegSide |
Char |
C |
Side of this individual leg (multi-leg security). Valid values: 1 = Buy 2 = Sell Required if NoLegs (50555) > 0. |
à |
50637 |
LegLastPx |
Price |
C |
Execution price assigned to a leg of a multi-leg instrument. Required if NoLegs (50555) > 0. |
à |
50654 |
LegRefID |
String |
N |
Unique indicator for a specific leg (Uniqueness is guaranteed within a particular execution report). |
à |
50687 |
LegQty |
Qty |
C |
Quantity of this individual leg (multi-leg security). Required if NoLegs (50555) > 0. |
à |
20109 |
LegPutOrCall |
Int |
N |
Indicates whether an option is a put or call. Valid values: 0 = Put 1 = Call Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. |
à |
20024 |
LegStatementDate |
LocalMktDate |
C |
FCM business day this individual leg trade of multi-leg security corresponds to. Required if NoLegs (50555) > 0 and ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill”. |
à |
20025 |
LegClearingBusinessDate |
LocalMktDate |
C |
Exchange trade day this individual leg trade of multi-leg security corresponds to. Required if NoLegs (50555) > 0 and ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill”. |
à |
20028 |
LegTradeID |
String(32) |
C |
Unique identifier for leg trade operation. Required if NoLegs (50555) > 0 and ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill”. |
à |
20120 |
LegExchangeKeyID |
String(10) |
N |
Unique identifier, assigned by the CQG gateway, of exchange for specific leg. |
à |
20123 |
LegFillExecID |
String(64) |
N |
Identifier, generated by the CQG gateway, of this fill event for specific leg generated by the CQG gateway. |
à |
20155 |
LegSpeculationType |
Char |
N |
Specifies a speculation type for an order. Valid values: S = Speculation H = Hedge A = Arbitrage |
à |
20194 |
LegTodayCutoff |
UTCTimestamp |
N |
UTC timestamp this leg fill should be considered a previous day fill. |
à |
20199 |
LegMaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Day of the maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. |
à |
20610 |
LegContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Сontract date of the leg symbol. |
à |
20611 |
LegContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the leg symbol. Contains day of month
(1-31). |
à |
20612 |
LegContractMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Contract month and year of the leg symbol. Format: YYYYMM. |
à |
20195 |
LegSpecificSymbol |
String |
N |
An identifier for a specific instrument mapped at the moment of this fill report to Relative Daily Future contract. See Syntax for Symbol (tag 55). Present only when ExecType is “Filled” or “Partially Fill”. |
à |
20196 |
LegSpecificMaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Date of maturity for Leg Specific Symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. Present only when tag LegSpecificSymbol(20195) is present. |
à |
20197 |
LegSpecificMaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Day of maturity for Leg Specific Symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. Present only when tag LegSpecificSymbol(20195) is present. |
à |
20198 |
LegSpecificMaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Month and year of the maturity for Leg Specific Symbol. Format: YYYYMM. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. Present only when tag LegSpecificSymbol(20195) is present. |
à |
20268 |
LegTradingVenueTransactionID |
String |
N |
Leg MIFID Trading Venue Transaction Identification Code (TVTIC) |
à |
20604 |
LegSpecificContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Contract date of the Leg Specific
Symbol. Present only when tag LegSpecificSymbol(20195) is present. |
à |
20605 |
LegSpecificContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the Leg Specific Symbol. Contains day
of month (1-31). |
à |
20606 |
LegSpecificContractMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Contract month and year of the Leg Specific Symbol.
Format: YYYYMM. |
à |
20617 |
LegTrdMatchID |
String |
N |
Identifier assigned to a trade by a matching system for this leg. |
à |
50566 |
LegPrice |
Price |
N |
Price of covering futures contract. Send only for a Covered options UDS. |
à |
51017 |
LegOptionDelta |
Float |
N |
Delta used to calculate the quantity of futures used to cover the option or options spread. If this tag is present when RatioQty tag is specified for the same repeating group, message will be rejected. Value range depends on specific exchange rules. |
End of component block, expanded in line < LegsGrp > | |||||
50584 |
MassStatusReqID |
String(64) |
N |
Send only if responding to an Order Mass Status Request (AF). Echo back the value provided by the requester. | |
50839 |
PeggedPrice |
Price |
C |
Conditionally required if ExecInst includes R (Trailing) and OrdType=2 or 4 (Limit or Stop limit). Provides the Limit price of the order, as adjusted by CQG gateway according to Trailing exec instructions. | |
50842 |
DiscretionOffsetType |
Int |
C |
Type of Discretion Offset value. Required if DiscretionOffset is specified. Valid values: 2 = Ticks | |
50880 |
TrdMatchID |
String(64) |
N |
Identifier assigned to a trade by a matching system. | |
50934 |
ParentChainOrderID |
String(32) |
N |
For child orders. Unique identifier of the first order in parent's order chain as assigned by the CQG gateway. | |
Standard Trailer |
Y |
Example: Execution Report
8=FIX.4.2V9=391V35=8V49=CQG_GatewayV56=fix_clientV34=27V52=20061124-16:48:44.106V150=2V20=0V1=286V37=1109042V39=2V40=1V55=F.US.USAR1Z06V54=1V14=3.0000V151=0.0000V38=3.0000V59=0V17=4811924V60=20061124-16:48:44.010V6=-0.01562500V31=-0.01562500V32=3.0000V 11=W27V20026=CASTV442=3V 50555=2V50556=USDV50600=F.US.USAZ06V50624=1V 50637=113.60937500V50687=3.0000V20024=20061124-00:00:00.000V 20025=20061124-00:00:00.000V 50556=USDV 50600=F.US.USAH07V 50624=2V 50637=113.62500000V 50687=3.0000V 20024=20061124-00:00:00.000V 20025=20061124-00:00:00.000V 115=fix_clientV 10=080V