The FIX Client uses this message to send orders for securities that are made up of multiple securities, considered to be legs by the CQG gateway. Possible response message: Execution Report (8).
Tag |
Name |
Format |
Req |
Comments | ||
Standard Header |
Y |
MsgType = AB | ||
1 |
Account |
String(256) |
Y* |
Account ID (managed by the CQG gateway). | ||
11 |
ClOrdID |
String(64) |
Y |
Unique identifier of the order as order request originator. Its uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day for day orders and across days for multi-day orders as defined by FIX 4.2 spec. | ||
18 |
ExecInst |
Multiple ValueString |
N |
Execution instructions. If this tag is blank, then no instructions exist. Valid values (definitions): G = All or none (AON) i = Iceberg q = Quantity Triggered Stop (QTS) S = Parked c = Order comment f = Funari t = Market If Touched l = Market Limit R = Trailing (Primary peg) b = Market To Limit u = Auction 6 = Post Only (Participate don’t initiate) (Only Available via NASDAQ FIXED INCOME) | ||
21 |
HandlInst |
Char |
N |
Instructions for order handling on broker trading floor. Valid values: 1 = Automated execution order, private, no broker intervention 3 = Manual order, best execution | ||
22 |
IDSource |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | ||
38 |
OrderQty |
Qty |
Y* |
Quantity of order submitted by client. The quantity must be an unsigned integer number greater than zero. Orders with zero or negative quantity are rejected. | ||
40 |
OrdType |
Char |
Y |
Sets the type of order. Valid values: 1 = Market 2 = Limit 3 = Stop 4 = Stop limit | ||
44 |
Price |
Price |
C |
Limit price. Conditionally required for Limit and Stop Limit orders. Using Price (44) tag for Market and Stop orders results in Reject (3) message. | ||
48 |
SecurityID |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | ||
54 |
Side |
Char |
Y |
Indicates the side of the order. Valid values: 1 = Buy 2 = Sell 5 = Sell Short 6 = Sell Short Exempt | ||
55 |
Symbol |
String(64) |
N |
An identifier for an instrument that can be traded on a CQG system. CQG has established symbols to represent each issue traded at the various international exchanges. When possible CQG symbols correspond to those used by the individual exchanges. However, exchange symbols may conflict with symbols and data formats used by other exchanges. When this occurs, alternative CQG symbols are used. Custom symbols can be used when symbol mapping is enabled for FIX vendor and appropriate conversion algorithm is selected. See Syntax for Symbol (tag 55). | ||
58 |
Text |
String |
N |
Custom user-supplied text. | ||
59 |
TimeInForce |
Char |
N |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect. If not
present, DAY is the default. If the value of this tag is GTD, then
ExpireDate (tag 432) is required. Valid values: 0 = DAY (assumed when absent) 1 = Good Till Cancel (GTC) 2 = At the Opening (OPG) 3 = Immediate or Cancel (IOC) 4 = Fill or Kill (FOK) 6 = Good Till Date (GTD) 7 = At the Close A = Good Till Time(GTT) B = Good For Auction(GFA) | ||
60 |
TransactTime |
UTC Timestamp |
Y |
Time this order request was initiated/released by the trader or trading system. | ||
77 |
OpenClose |
Char |
C |
Indicates whether the resulting position after a trade should be an opening position or closing position. Valid values: O = Open C = Close P = Close previous day Use O as a default value for orders submitted on exchanges that do not support this field. | ||
Start of component block, expanded in line < AllocsGrp > | ||||||
78 |
NoAllocs |
Int |
N |
Number of repeating groups for pre-trade allocation. | ||
➔ |
79 |
AllocAccount |
String(256) |
N |
Subaccount ID (managed by CQG gateway). Required if NoAllocs > 0. Must be the first field in repeating group. | |
➔ |
80 |
AllocShares |
Qty |
N |
Order quantity allocated to this subaccount. Sum of all AllocShares must be equal to OrderQty. | |
➔ |
20192 |
AllocAccountRequired |
Boolean |
N |
Indicates whether this allocated account is required. When set (‘Y’), the order will be rejected if this account fails validation checks. When not set (‘N’), this account will be removed from the allocation list if it fails validation checks. Default =N.
| |
End of component block, expanded in line < AllocsGrp > | ||||||
99 |
StopPx |
Price |
C |
Stop price. Conditionally required for Stop and Stop Limit orders. Using StopPx (99) tag for Market and Limit orders result in Reject (3) message. | ||
115 |
OnBehalfOfCompID |
String(32) |
N |
A firm name of a trader on whose behalf this order request should be sent. This field is currently ignored by the CQG gateway. Part of Standard Header. | ||
116 |
OnBehalfOfSubID |
String(32) |
N |
CQG username of the trader on whose behalf this order request should be sent. That trader needs to be authorized for trading on the same account specified in tag 1. Part of Standard Header. | ||
126 |
ExpireTime |
UTCTimestamp |
C |
Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTT. | ||
128 |
DeliverToCompID |
String(32) |
C |
Trading firm that the trader specified in tag 116 (DeliverToSubID) belongs to. Part of Standard Header. | ||
167 |
SecurityType |
String |
N |
Indicates type of security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. Indicates type of security. | ||
200 |
MaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Month and year of the maturity. Format: YYYYMM. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | ||
205 |
MaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Day of the maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | ||
207 |
SecurityExchange |
String |
N |
Market used to help identify a security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. Market used to help identify a security. | ||
210 |
MaxShow |
Qty |
C |
Conditionally required if ExecInst contains i (Iceberg). Maximum number of shares within an order to be shown to other customers. | ||
211 |
PegDifference |
Price |
C |
Conditionally required if ExecInst includes R (Trailing). Maximum offset between market and stop prices (and limit price for stop limit and limit orders). Always expressed as a positive number with units the same as StopPx (99) and Price (44). | ||
388 |
DiscretionInst |
Char |
C |
Code to identify the price a DiscretionOffset is related to and should be mathematically added to. Required if DiscretionOffset is specified. Valid values: 0 = Related to displayed price | ||
389 |
DiscretionOffset |
Float |
N |
Amount (signed) added to the "related to" price specified via DiscretionInst, in the context of DiscretionOffsetType. | ||
432 |
ExpireDate |
LocalMktDate |
C |
Conditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD. Orders expire at the end of the trading session. | ||
541 |
MaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Date of maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | ||
847 |
TargetStrategy |
Int |
N |
The target strategy of the order. Valid values: 1000 - CQG ARRIVALPRICE 1001 - CQG PAYUP 1002 - CQG RICEBERG 1003 - CQG RTWAP 1004 - CQG SLICEBERG 1005 - CQG SLSNIPE 1006 - CQG SNIPE 1007 - CQG TICK 1008 - CQG TWAP 1009 - CQG VWAP 1010 - CQG OFFSETPAYUP 1011 - CQG PEG 1012 - CQG ROLL 1013 - CQG SLARRIVAL 1014 - CQG ICESLICER 1015 - CQG OFFSETTICK 1016 - CQG ICEPEGGER 1017 - CQG SLSWEEPER 1018 - CQG POSITIONBRKT 1019 - CQG SLSNIPEBERG 1020 - CQG POV | ||
Algo strategy parameters block, expanded in paragraph <Algo-engine support> | ||||||
1028 |
ManualOrderIndicator |
Boolean |
N |
Indicates whether the order was sent manually (as opposed to being generated by automated trading logic). Default =Y. | ||
51031 |
CustOrderHandlingInst |
Char |
N |
FIA Execution Source Code value for this request. Overrides the value CQG would otherwise automatically assign to the request based on trader-account configuration. Possible values: W – Desk Y – Electronic (Default) C – Vendor-provided Platform billed by Executing Broker G - Sponsored Access via Exchange API or FIX provided by Executing Broker H - Premium Algorithmic Trading Provider billed by Executing Broker D - Other, including Other-provided Screen | ||
20004 |
TriggerQty |
Qty |
C |
Trigger quantity. Conditionally required for QTS orders, i.e. required when ExecInst contains q. | ||
20124 |
ClientRegulatoryAlgorithmID |
Int |
N |
Regulatory Algorithm ID for algo-orders. | ||
20128 |
OmnibusAccount |
String(256) |
N |
Omnibus Account ID (managed by the CQG gateway). | ||
20154 |
SpeculationType |
Char |
C |
Specifies a speculation type for an order. Valid values: S = Speculation H = Hedge A = Arbitrage | ||
20176 |
MifidAlgorithmID |
String |
C |
Must be supplied if the order execution decision was made by an algorithm under MiFID II definitions. | ||
20177 |
MifidAlgorithmIDType |
Int |
C |
Specified the type of MifidAlgorithmID (20176). Valid values: 1 = External Mifid Algorithm ID 2 = CQG Mifid Algorithm ID | ||
20181 |
MifidForceExecutionDecision |
Boolean |
C |
When set ('Y'), it means MiFID Execution Within Firm should be CLIENT (or its configured short code) for an order not flagged with any MiFID Algorithm. Default = ‘N’ | ||
20185 |
NoExtraAttributes |
NumInGroup |
N |
Extra attributes repeating group | ||
à |
20186 |
ExtraAttributeName |
String(32) |
Y |
Extra attribute name | |
à |
20187 |
ExtraAttributeValue |
String(64) |
Y |
Extra attribute value | |
20188 |
MifidInvestmentDecisionID |
String |
C |
May be supplied to override value of MiFID Investment Decision Within Firm associated with this order. | ||
20189 |
MifidInvestmentDecisionIDType |
Int |
C |
Specifies the type of MifidInvestmentDecisionID (20188). Valid values: 1 = Trader short code 2 = External Mifid Algorithm ID 3 = CQG Mifid Algorithm ID | ||
20607 |
ContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Contract date of the symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API Vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors which do not have it explicitly configured | ||
20608 |
ContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API Vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors which do not have it explicitly configured | ||
20609 |
ContractMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Contract month and year of the symbol. Format: YYYYMM. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API Vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors which do not have it explicitly configured | ||
20618 |
ExternalAccountNumber |
String |
C |
Secondary FCMAccountNumber specified by a broker. Completely overridde the value of tag Account (1) when the order gets sent to the execution system. | ||
20619 |
TrailPeg |
Char |
C |
Conditionally required if ExecInst includes R (Trailing) for limit orders only. Valid values: 1 = Best Bid 2 = Best Ask 3 = Last Trade | ||
20638 |
SimMode |
Boolean |
N |
Indicate whether the UDS contract should be defined in simulation mode. Default=N | ||
Start of component block, expanded in line < PartyIDsGrp > | ||||||
50453 |
NoPartyIDs |
NumInGroup |
C |
Repeating group below should contain unique combinations of PartyRole, CQGTraderFIDType and PartyID. | ||
➔ |
50452 |
PartyRole |
Int |
C |
Identifies the type or role of the PartyID (50448) specified. Valid values: 2000 = CQG Trader FID 2001 = CQG Customer FID 2002 = Giveup Member 2003 = Exchange Account Type 2004 = Exchange Account Origin 2101 = Small Exchange Subscriber Token | |
➔ |
20171 |
CQGTraderFIDType |
String |
C |
Flexible Identifier Type. Describes the value being provided in PartyID (tag 50448). Valid values: • FID_TraderShortCode • FID_ClientDecisionMakerShortCode • FID_ClientDecisionMakerShortCodeType • FID_PersonalTraderID Valid value if PartyRole (50452) = 2001 (CQG Customer FID): • FID_ClientIDShortCode | |
➔ |
50448 |
PartyID |
String |
C |
Identification of the party. | |
End of component block, expanded in line < PartyIDsGrp > | ||||||
Start of component block, expanded in line < LegsGrp > | ||||||
50555 |
NoLegs |
NumInGroup |
C |
Number of legs repeating group instances. | ||
➔ |
50600 |
LegSymbol |
String(64) |
Y |
Multi-leg instrument’s individual security symbol. Must be the first field in repeating group. | |
à |
20155 |
LegSpeculationType |
Char |
C |
Specifies a speculation type for an order. Valid values: S = Speculation H = Hedge A = Arbitrage | |
à |
20610 |
LegContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Сontract date of the leg symbol. | |
à |
20611 |
LegContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the leg symbol. Contains day of month
(1-31). | |
à |
20612 |
LegContractMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Contract month and year of the leg symbol. Format:
➔ |
50602 |
LegSecurityID |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
➔ |
50603 |
LegSecurityIDSource |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
➔ |
50608 |
LegCFICode |
String |
N |
Indicates the type of security as per ISO 10962 standard. For futures: FXXXXX; For options: OPXXXX, OCXXXX; For spreads: MXXXXX; For other instruments: XXXXXX. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
➔ |
50609 |
LegSecurityType |
String |
N |
Indicates type of security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
➔ |
50610 |
LegMaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Month and year of the maturity. Format: YYYYMM. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |
➔ |
50611 |
LegMaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Date of maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |
➔ |
50616 |
String |
N |
Market used to help identify a security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX Connect vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
➔ |
50623 |
LegRatioQty |
Qty |
C |
Ratio of quantity for this individual leg relative to the entire multileg security. | |
➔ |
50624 |
LegSide |
Char |
Y |
Side of this individual leg (multi-leg security). Valid values: 1 = Buy 2 = Sell Required if NoLegs (50555) > 0. | |
➔ |
50654 |
LegRefID |
String |
Y |
Unique indicator for a specific leg (Uniqueness is guaranteed within a particular order request). | |
➔ |
50588 |
LegFutSettDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Specific date of trade settlement (SettlementDate) in YYYYMMDD format. | |
à |
50564 |
LegOpenClose |
Char |
C |
Indicates whether the resulting position after a trade should be an opening position or closing position. Valid values: O = Open C = Close P = Close previous day Use O as a default value for orders submitted on exchanges that do not support this field. | |
à |
50566 |
LegPrice |
Price |
N |
Price of covering futures contract. Send only for a Covered options UDS. | |
à |
51017 |
LegOptionDelta |
Float |
C |
Delta used to calculate the quantity of futures used to cover the option or options spread. If this tag is present when RatioQty tag is specified for the same repeating group, message will be rejected. Value range depends on specific exchange rules. | |
End of component block, expanded in line < LegsGrp > | ||||||
50842 |
DiscretionOffsetType |
Int |
C |
Type of Discretion Offset value. Required if DiscretionOffset is specified. Valid values: 2 = Ticks | ||
50934 |
ParentChainOrderID |
String(32) |
N |
Unique identifier of the first order in parent's order chain as assigned by the CQG gateway. This ID may only be present in a message related to a child order. | ||
Standard Trailer |
Y |
Example: New Order Multileg
8=FIX.4.2V9=232V35=ABV49=userV56=CQG_GatewayV34=2V52=20121123-11:50:54.268V11=Order2466V54=2 V55=F.US.EDAS3Z12V60=20121123-11:50:34V38=3V40=1V1=9V50555=2V50600=F.US.EDAZ12 V50654=123_123V50624=2V50623=1V50564=CV20155=HV50600=F.US.EDAH13V50654=456V50624=1V50623=1V50564=CV20155=HV10=201V