The FIX client uses this message to request a user-defined strategy (UDS) to trade.
CQG symbology is supported to identify leg contracts by default. Also, custom contract symbol mappings are supported using additional tags to be present along with each UnderlyingSymbol (311) tag: UnderlyingSymbolSfx (312), UnderlyingSecurityID (309), UnderlyingIDSource (305), UnderlyingSecurityType (310), UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear (313), UnderlyingMaturityDay (314), UnderlyingMaturityDate (50542), UnderlyingSecurityExchange (308), UnderlyingExDestination (20051).
Client sends this message to:
• request specifications for an existing UDS (leg contracts, sides, quantities), future, options, or native strategy (SecurityRequestType=0).
• request definition of a UDS described by specifications (leg contracts, sides, quantities) at CQG gateway which, in turn, requests definition of that UDS at the appropriate exchange (SecurityRequestType=1). FIX service and CQG gateway only support option UDS on certain exchanges.
Possible response message: Security Definition (d).
Tag |
Name |
Format |
Req |
Comments | |
Standard Header |
Y |
MsgType = c | |
320 |
SecurityReqID |
String(64) |
Y |
Unique ID for this request as assigned by the FIX client. | |
321 |
SecurityRequestType |
Int |
Y |
Type of security definition request. Valid values: 0 = Request security identity and specifications. Requestor provides security identification (symbol) and wants specifications (e.g. leg contracts, sides ratios) in response. 1 = Request security identity for the specifications provided (name of the security is not provided). Requestor provides security specifications (e.g. leg contracts, sides ratios) and wants identification (symbol) in response. | |
1 |
Account |
String(256) |
C |
Account ID (managed by the CQG gateway). It's required when sending SecurityRequestType=1 for exchanges in this list: • Eurex • CME Group | |
22 |
IDSource |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
48 |
SecurityID |
String |
N |
Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
55 |
Symbol |
String(64) |
C |
Identifier of an existing contract. Required if SecurityRequestType=0. An identifier for an instrument that can be traded on a CQG system. CQG has established symbols to represent each issue traded at the various international exchanges. When possible CQG symbols correspond to those used by the individual exchanges. However, exchange symbols may conflict with symbols and data formats used by other exchanges. When this occurs, alternative CQG symbols are used. Custom symbols can be used when symbol mapping is enabled for FIX vendor and appropriate conversion algorithm is selected. See Syntax for Symbol (tag 55). | |
167 |
SecurityType |
String |
N |
Indicates type of security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. Indicates type of security. | |
200 |
MaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Month and Year of the maturity. Format: YYYYMM. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |
201 |
PutOrCall |
Int |
N |
Indicates whether an option is a put or call. Valid values: 0 = put 1 = call Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
202 |
StrikePrice |
Price |
N |
Option strike price. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
205 |
MaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Day of the maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |
207 |
SecurityExchange |
String |
N |
Market used to help identify a security. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. Market used to help identify a security. | |
223 |
CouponRate |
Price |
N |
For fixed income. Coupon rate of the bond. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. | |
541 |
MaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Date of maturity. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors that do not have it explicitly configured. For FIX message consistency, CQG defines maturity as contract last trading date. | |
20049 |
UserStrategyType |
String(64) |
C |
Indicates strategy type the user is intending to define. Required when SecurityRequestType (321) = 1. List of possible values. | |
20607 |
ContractDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Contract date of the symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API Vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors which do not have it explicitly configured | |
20608 |
ContractDay |
Int |
N |
Contract day of the symbol. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API Vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors which do not have it explicitly configured | |
20609 |
ContractMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Contract month and year of the symbol. Format: YYYYMM. Reserved for contract identification used by custom FIX API Vendor contract symbol mappings. It should not appear for FIX vendors which do not have it explicitly configured | |
20638 |
SimMode |
Boolean |
Y |
Indicate whether the UDS contract should be defined in simulation mode. Default=N | |
Start of component block, expanded in line < UnderlyingSecurityGrp > | |||||
146 |
NoRelatedSym |
Int |
C |
Number of legs that make up the Security (UDS). UDS are always defined from the buy perspective, so leg qty/sides below correspond to buying the strategy. Required if SecurityRequestType=1. | |
➔ |
20050 |
LegNumber |
Int |
C |
Leg number within the strategy (1-based). Must be the first field in the repeating group. Required if NoRelatedSym > 0. |
➔ |
311 |
UnderlyingSymbol |
String(64) |
C |
Contract of the leg. Corresponds to Symbol (55); see description in New Order Single (D). Required if NoRelatedSym > 0. |
➔ |
312 |
UnderlyingSymbolSfx |
String |
N |
Corresponds to SymbolSfx (65); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
309 |
UnderlyingSecurityID |
String |
N |
Corresponds to SecurityID (48); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
305 |
UnderlyingIDSource |
String |
N |
Corresponds to IDSource (22); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
310 |
UnderlyingSecurityType |
String |
N |
Corresponds to SecurityType (167); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
313 |
UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear |
MonthYear |
N |
Format: YYYYMM. Corresponds to MaturityMonthYear (200); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
314 |
UnderlyingMaturityDay |
Int |
N |
Corresponds to MaturityDay (205); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
315 |
UnderlyingPutOrCall |
Int |
N |
Corresponds to PutOrCall (201); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
316 |
UnderlyingStrikePrice |
Price |
N |
Corresponds to StrikePrice (202); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
50542 |
UnderlyingMaturityDate |
LocalMktDate |
N |
Corresponds to MaturityDate (541); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
308 |
UnderlyingSecurityExchange |
String |
N |
Corresponds to SecurityExchange (207); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
435 |
UnderlyingCouponRate |
Price |
N |
Corresponds to CouponRate (223); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
20051 |
UnderlyingExDestination |
String |
N |
Corresponds to ExDestination (100); see description in New Order Single (D). |
➔ |
319 |
RatioQty |
Qty |
C |
This leg’s quantity ratio. Required if NoRelatedSym > 0. |
➔ |
54 |
Side |
Char |
C |
This leg’s side. Valid values: 1 = Buy 2 = Sell Required if NoRelatedSym > 0. |
à |
50566 |
LegPrice |
Price |
N |
Price of covering futures contract. Send only for a Covered options UDS. |
à |
51017 |
LegOptionDelta |
Float |
N |
Delta used to calculate the quantity of futures used to cover the option or options spread. If this tag is present when RatioQty tag is specified for the same repeating group, message will be rejected. Value range depends on specific exchange rules. |
End of component block, expanded in line < UnderlyingSecurityGrp > | |||||
Standard Trailer |
Y |
Example: Security Definition Request
8=FIX.4.2 | 9=190 | 35=c | 49=CQG_Gateway | 56=CQG_Gateway | 34=30 | 52=20110810-12:57:25.863 | 320=Request113 | 321=1 | 146=2 | 20050=1 | 311=C.US.EW.V11.12450 | 319=1 | 54=1 | 20050=2 | 311=P.US.EW.V11.12450 | 319=1 | 54=2 | 20049=straddlelong | 10=053 |