Stage 7: Symbol Browsing

Note: Currently this should only be tested by OTC users, ask to enable “HMS Demo” on the products and services page in CAST for your demo trader first.


Scenario #1. Receiving a full list of exchange locations.

List of locations is represented as a list of contributors in CQG system.


1.  Send SymbolCategoryRequest with category_id set to a specific exchange category ID. CQG will provide a specific ID for specific setup, HMS Demo on Stage environment is 3516.

2.  Receive SymbolCategoryReport with a list of contributors.


Scenario #2. Getting a list of products and contracts for a particular location.

Products are received as top level symbols in symbol trees, specific contracts are leavesof these trees.

Sample of a symbol tree:

- Product ' YCN' Yellow Corn -  Code (SymbolRoot, Key) –

- Security (SymbolPrefix, Key) F.HM.YCNJLT1 (Source ZCE)

- Contract (Instrument, Key) F.HM.YCNJLT1N19

- Contract (Instrument, Key) F.HM.YCNJLT1Q19

- Contract (Instrument, Key) F.HM.YCNJLT1U19

- Security (SymbolPrefix, Key) F.HM.YCNJLT2 (Source ZCE)

- Contract (Instrument, Key) F.HM.YCNJLT2N19

- Contract (Instrument, Key) F.HM.YCNJLT2Q19

- Contract (Instrument, Key) F.HM.YCNJLT2U19


1.  Send SymbolListRequest with category_ids set to a category of a specific contributor/location (see scenario #1) and depth 3.

2.  Receive SymbolListReport with a tree of symbols that represents:

a.  products (roots),

b.  securities (intermediate levels, technically required to connect products to contracts) contracts (leaves)


Scenario #3. Getting a list of published bids and asks for a particular product or location.


       1. Need to get name/id of a contributor/exchange    

a. send information_request.symbol_category_list_request without params return top categories    

b. remember id Exchange category(id1)    

c. send information_request.symbol_category_list_request with category_id = id1, depth = 2    

d. find in the list a contributor(s) or an exchange, and remember id (id2)

       2. Get a list of products/securities    

a. send information_request.symbol_list_request with category_ids = id2(repeated field) and depth = 2(return product and securities)    

b. choose a security and remember id(id3)

       3. Get list of contracts    

a. send information_request.symbol_list_request with parent_symbol_id = id3, [optional] category_ids = id2

       3.1 Options in the list

Security may have option maturities as children. So, to get options, execute an additional step..

a. send information_request.symbol_list_request with parent_symbol_id = id3, [optional] category_ids = id2

b. choose option maturity and remember id (id4)

c. send information_request.symbol_list_request with parent_symbol_id = id4, [optional] category_ids = id2

       4. Get a list of products/securities/option maturities/contracts [Variant to replace steps 2 and 3]

a. send information_request.symbol_list_request with category_ids = id2(repeated field) and depth = 4

Scenario #4. Product search.


1.       Send information_request.product_search_request with search term “corn” and (optional) with category_ids set to a category of a specific contributor/location (see scenario #1)

2.       Get a information_report.product_search_report with Symbol with ProductMetadata list.