AlgoOrder  Volume-Triggered Cancel (VTC)

A VTC order is a type of GTC order.

When you place a VTC order, the system places and works an initial limit order, while the VTC application monitors the book looking for DOM volumes equal to or below the threshold (see parameters) at that price.

When the threshold is met, the order action is triggered.

The order action is either cancel or replace:

Cancel = cancel the initial order

Replace = cancel the initial order and place an order on the opposite side using the same price of the initial order. The order quantity may be changed for this order.

If the threshold is not met before the initial order is filled, the VTC order is cancelled.

If you modify the initial order before the threshold is met, the VTC parameters do not change.

To modify the price of a VTC order, you must cancel it and place a new order.

Installing, running, and stopping VTC

1.  Open CQG software, and log on to trade.

2.  From CQG’s website, download and run the installation program for VTC (AlgoOrder VTC.msi).

If you plan on using the source code in any way, make sure to install the application and the source (Custom Setup).

3.  Go to Start > All Programs > CQG > AlgoOrderVTC to register the type, so that it can be viewed in the software.

4.  In the CQG software, open a trading application. Note that the AlgoOrder type is now listed on the special orders menu.


The VTC application runs in the background of the CQG software. The VTC icon is visible in the system tray when it’s running.

Right-click that icon to open a menu of options, explained later in this topic, associated with VTC orders.

Use this menu to stop the VTC application. When you do so, the initial order remains active, but the VTC portion of the order is cancelled.

VTC parameters




Defines the trigger criteria. The order action is triggered when the DOM volume of initial order's price is at or below this threshold.

Default = 100 contracts

Order Action

Defines the action  that is triggered when the threshold is met.

Cancel: The initial limit order is canceled.

Replace: The initial order is canceled and a new limit order is placed on the same original price but on the opposite side to try to fill it quickly.

Default = Cancel

Use base quantity

If on, the Replace order uses the initial limit order's volume.

Default = on

Replace Quantity

Defines the volume of the Replace order to be placed.

Can be used only if Use base quantity is off.

Default = 0 contracts


Monitoring and cancelling VTC orders

Right-click the VTC icon in the system tray, then click Monitor to open the Monitor window. The window lists working orders with associated data:

      Algo Order ID, format COVTCxxxxyyyy, where:

xxxx = Serial number of the algorithmic order placed through the application's current session. This value is reset after restarting the application.

yyyy =  Serial number of the leg for the xxxx algorithmic order. This value is reset for each algorithmic order.

Z = multi-digit serial number of orders placed through the given instance of the application.


      FCM Account ID

      Account Name

      Instrument Name



      Limit Price (initial order)

      Stop Price

      Total Quantity

      Filled Quantity


      Order Action

      Use base quantity

      Replace Quantity

To cancel one or some of the working orders, select them and then click the Cancel Checked Orders button. You can also right-click the order.

To cancel all working orders, click the Cancel All Orders button. You can also right-click the order.

To obtain log files, right-click the VTC icon in the system tray, then click Show Logs. The local folder that contains logs is opened: C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\CQG\AlgoOrder_VTC\Logs

VTC Profile Manager

Set parameter values using Profile Manager. Right-click the VTC icon in the system tray, then click Profile Manager.

VTC Configuration Manager

Change naming, tooltip, and log settings using Configuration Manager. Right-click the VTC icon in the system tray, then click Configuration Manager.



Long Name

Name that is displayed in the Special Orders drop-down list in CQG software.

Short Name

Short form of order type name used in the algo order ID and UENames (system uses first four characters).

Also used on the special orders menu in the software.

Balloon Tip Level

Determines lower level of importance that should be used to filter out events to be displayed as tool tips in the system tray area.

None: Nothing is displayed.

Info: All events are displayed.

Warning: Warning or error events are displayed.

Error: Only error events are displayed.

Log Level

Messages are delivered to the log file.

None: Nothing is logged.

Info: All events are logged.

Warning: Warning or error events are logged.

Error: Only error events are logged.

Log File Max Size

Determines maximum size of log file. When reached, a new log file is created.

Maximum allowed file size = 32768 KB or 32 MB.

Log Files Max Count

Determines the maximum number of log files. When reached, the oldest file is deleted before a new file is started.

Maximum allowed number of log files = 100.