This custom study measures the On Balance Volume beginning at a user specified time. It is available on the Add Studies window, on the Custom Studies window (Formula Builder), and in the Toolbox.

Formula of curves:

StartOfDay:= Hour(@) = SHour  AND   Minute(@) = SMinute

EndOfDay:= Hour(@) = EHour  AND   Minute(@) = EMinute

TimeToCalculate :=SetReset( StartOfDay ,EndOfDay) ;

myVol := IF(StartOfDay,0,

IF(TimeToCalculate,        Accum(TBTF1.NET^@,B.BeginOfDay(@,BHour:=7,BMinute:=55))   ,0))

Setup parameters:

      SHour: Start Hour used for the calculation.

      SMinute: Start Minute used for the calculation.

      EHour: End Hour used for the calculation.

      EMinute: End Minute used for the calculation.

      BHour: Beginning Hour used for the calculation.

      BMinute: Beginning Minute used for the calculation.