Sources for Orders and Positions Data

Because different brokers provide different levels of back office data to CQG, some data may not be available in Orders and Positions. For example, if your broker does not provide trade confirmations, then the Confirmations window will not display data outside of the current day.

The first table identifies what data you can expect to see when Current Day is selected on the Filter pane, when a purely historical date range is selected, and when a range from some date to the current day is selected.

The second table describes system behavior after log off from the trading gateway.


Orders and Positions window

If date range = current day only

If date range = historical only

If date range = from date to current day


(Working, Filled, Cancelled, Exceptions, Parked, All)

Data displayed is obtained from the gateway for the current trading session.

Data displayed is obtained from the gateway for the current trading session.

Data displayed is obtained from the gateway for the date range.

Strategy Manager

(Incomplete, Working, Filled, Cancelled, Exceptions, Parked, All)

Data displayed is obtained from the gateway for the current trading session.

Data displayed is obtained from the gateway for the current trading session.

Data displayed is obtained from the gateway for the date range.

Purchase & Sales

Calculated using data obtained from the gateway when you log on to trade and while you are logged on to trade.

      When you log on: open positions and balances from the previous day’s close and fills during the current trading session

      While logged on: fills during the current session

Calculated using data sent by the broker with no additional processing by CQG.

If your broker does not provide this information, then fields are empty.

Calculated using only current day data.


Calculated using data obtained from the gateway when you log on to trade and while you are logged on to trade.

      When you log on: open positions and balances from the previous day’s close and fills during the current trading session

      While logged on: fills during the current session

Calculated using data sent by the broker with no additional processing by CQG.

If your broker does not provide this information, then fields are empty.

Calculated using only current day data.


Calculated using both broker and gateway data.

Calculated using both broker and gateway data.

Calculated using only current day data.

Account Summary

Calculated using data obtained from the gateway when you log on to trade and while you are logged on to trade.

      When you log on: open positions and balances from the previous day’s close and fills during the current trading session

      While logged on: fills during the current session

Calculated using data sent by the broker with no additional processing by CQG.

If your broker does not provide this information, then fields are empty.

Calculated using only current day data.

Open Position Summary

Calculated using data obtained from the gateway when you log on to trade and while you are logged on to trade.

      When you log on: open positions and balances from the previous day’s close and fills during the current trading session

      While logged on: fills during the current session

Calculated using data sent by the broker with no additional processing by CQG.

If your broker does not provide this information, then fields are empty.

Calculated using only current day data.



Orders and Positions window

Behavior after log off from trading gateway


Strategy Manager

Working orders continue to be displayed.


Purchase & Sales


Account Summary

Open Position Summary

Data obtained from the gateway during the time you were logged on continues to be displayed.

The system continues to recalculate OTE and similar market price data using current market price movements.