ShareScale (ShrScl)

This function is available on the Add Study window and in the Formula Toolbox.

ShareScale forces a bar value or formula (expression 1) to use the same scale as a bar chart or other value (expression2).

There are two forms for this function:

      ShareScale(expr1): In this form, ShareScale forces expr1 to be displayed using the same units as the chart. For example: ShareScale(Low(@)-10*TickSize(@)) ensures the same scale is used for the line that is generated as the bar chart on which it is overlaid.

      ShareScale(expr1, expr2): This forces expr1 to be displayed using the same scaling as expr2.

Example: ShrScale(@,@)





Opens a sub-window with display properties:

      Color = Select a line color.

      Weight = Type a value for line thickness.

      Display = Select line style: line, histogram, or dash.

      ShareScale = Assign a behavior for functions and studies sharing the vertical scale:

      Auto = System determine whether sharing is feasible.

      On = Scale is shared regardless of the functions and studies displayed.

      Off = Scale is not shared.


Opens the Specify Conditions for Marking Bar window.


Price used for calculation.

Use Complete

Use complete should be used when trying to convert the spread to the share-scaled tick value, such as USA ticks ShrScale(EP-EMD,USA).

Note that this parameter does not always change the value of the study.

Using ShrScale(EP-EMD,USA), Use Complete fits the EP-EMD into a 32nd scale 423 and 11 32nds.

If you don’t use complete, it is still a 32nds scale, but the returning value is displayed as decimals: 423.344.