Time Average (TimAvg)

This function is available on the Add Study window and in the Formula Toolbox.

Calculates the average for values taken at the same time of day (typically BarIX).

Example: TimAvg(@,@,10)





Opens a sub-window with display properties:

      Color = Select a line color.

      Weight = Type a value for line thickness.

      Display = Select line style: line, histogram, or dash.

      ShareScale = Assign a behavior for functions and studies sharing the vertical scale:

      Auto = System determine whether sharing is feasible.

      On = Scale is shared regardless of the functions and studies displayed.

      Off = Scale is not shared.


Opens the Specify Conditions for Marking Bar window.


Price used for calculation.


Choices include: Close, Open, High Low, Mid, HLC3, Average, TrueHigh, TrueLow,Range, TrueRange, TickVol, Vol, CurrentOpen, CurrentHigh, CurrentLow, Last, CurrentVol, CurrentTickVol, BestBid, BestBidVol, BestAsk, BestAskVol.


The time period for the moving average calculations.

Extra Steps

A look back maximum period that the formula attempts to compute. If you were to create, for example, a 1001 period variable, but the steps only went back 1000 the calculation wouldn’t work.