Time (Time)

This function is available on the Add Study window and in the Formula Toolbox.

The Time function plots the value of a point in time, allowing users to include these values in user formulas. The function plots the following:


      Month: 1 for January, 2 for February, 3 for March, etc.




      Day of Week


      Day of Year

Local versions, e.g. Local Year and Local Day of Week, are available in the Formula Toolbox.

DayofWeek(@) returns 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday, 4 for Thursday, 5 for Friday, 6 for Saturday, and 7 for Sunday.

It uses the start time of the bar for its calculation.

For example, for Monday's daily bar it returns 7 (Sunday) because the bar actually starts at Sunday 15:30.

LocalDayofWeek(@) returns 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday, 4 for Thursday, 5 for Friday, 6 for Saturday, and 7 for Sunday.

It uses the time from the chart’s horizontal scale for its calculation and is sensitive to Time preferences.

For a daily bar it returns the day of the week for that day.

DOW(@) returns 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 3 for Tuesday, 4 for Wednesday, 5 for Thursday, 6 for Friday, and 7 for Saturday.

For intraday, it uses the start time of the bar for its calculation, the same as Day of Week (DayofWeek).

For daily and above, it uses the trading date for its calculation. For example, for Monday's daily bar it returns 2 (Monday).





Opens a sub-window with display options for year, month, day, hour, minute, day of the week, week, and day of the year.

      Color: Select a color for the line.

      Weight: Choose how thick you want the study line.


Determines whether sharing of the vertical scales between studies is accepted.


Number of digits displayed after the decimal point.

Use Local Time

Overrides any other time setting, so that local time is used.