Trading UDS

A UDS QFormula is tradable only if all legs are tradable. Only options UDS can be traded at this time.

Intercommdity UDS are allowed. All leg commodities must have the same conversion parameters.


Order duration

Order duration must be valid for all UDS legs.

Order management

UDS orders are displayed on:

      DOMTrader (working orders)

      Fill Report

      Order Ticket (working orders on DOM Ladder, all on Orders and Positions pane)

      Orders & Positions

      QSS and EQSS (order columns)

      Spreadsheet Trader

You can modify and cancel working UDS orders just as you would other orders.

Order placement

UDS orders can be placed on:


      Fill Report

      Order Desk

      Order Ticket

      Orders and Positions

      Spreadsheet Trader

Order type

Order type must be valid for all UDS legs.


UDS positions are calculated the same way as native strategies, including by trades and by execution.

UDS positions are displayed on:


      Order Ticket

      Order Desk

      Orders and Positions (if Group by filled spread orders is enabled)

      Spreadsheet Trader

MVO and UPL values are calculated for open UDS positions by adding MVO and UPL of its corresponding leg positions.


Session of the first leg.

Tick size

For strategies with the underlined instrument, same as the underlined instrument.

For strategies with different underlined instruments, tick size of the instrument with the smallest tick size.

Variable tick size is supported for UDS.