Working with Set Up Trading Parameters Window (Spreads)

There are two primary sets of actions for this window: changing parameters that impact the way your spread is traded and making changes to the trading parameters window itself.

To change numerical parameters

The parameter fields are either buttons, check boxes, or fields that contain numbers. To change those numbers, you can:

      type a new value in the field; or

      click the field and use the mouse wheel to increase and decrease the value.

To restore default values

When you change the default value of a parameter, the Reset button becomes active and a small colored triangle appears to the left of the section heading:


To return to the default, click Reset.

To change the parameter window’s font size

      Right-click anywhere on the window.

      Click the font size you want: Extra small, Small, Medium, and Large.


To collapse and expand sections

      Click the arrows on the left of the section heading to collapse and to expand the sections. CTRL+click expands the section and collapses the others.

      Double-click the top-left empty cell to expand all sections.


Other actions

      Click the QFormula button at the bottom of the window to open Formula Builder.

      Click the gear checkbox to apply these settings to all open trading windows for this strategy.

      Click the question mark to read more about the parameter.