Accumulation/Distribution (A_D)

The ACC/DIST study reports a cumulative total that is calculated as follows:

True Low is defined as the lesser of the current low or the previous close. True High is defined as the greater of the current high or the previous close.

If the current close is higher than the previous close, add the absolute value of the difference between the current close and the True Low to the prior Accumulation/Distribution value. In other words: AD = |Current Close - True Low| + Prior A/D value.

If the current close is lower than the previous close, subtract from the previous day's Accumulation/Distribution value the absolute value of the difference between the current close and the True High. In other words: AD = Prior A/D value - |Current Close - True High|

If the current close is equal to the previous close, the Accumulation/Distribution total is unchanged from the previous day.

Accumulation/Distribution Parameters



Start Time

Opens sub-window to identify the earliest bar of the calculation:

      Number of bars back from current bar

      Date and time

      Number of days back from current bar


Opens sub-window to set parameters:

      Color = Line color.

      Weight = Line thickness.

      Display = Line style: line or histogram.

      ShareScale = Determines whether sharing of the vertical scales between studies is accepted. Auto = System determine whether sharing is feasible. On = Scale is shared regardless of the functions and studies displayed. Off = Scale is not shared. ShareScale must be On if study is overlaid on a study with multiple outputs.


Opens Specify Conditions window.