AlgoOrder Replicator (REP)

There are two REP applications: one for strategies and one for individual symbols.

Each of those applications has two applications: AO_REP.exe and AccountInfo.exe.

Instructional videos are available on CQG’s website.

Installing, Running, and Closing REP

1.  Open CQG software, and log on to trade.

2.  From CQG’s website, download and run the installation program for REP (AlgoOrder REP.msi).

If you plan on using the source code in any way, make sure to install the application and the source (Custom Setup).

3.  Go to Start > All Programs > CQG > CQG Algo Rep to register the type, so that it can be viewed in the software.

Minimize the window. Unlike other AlgoOrders, REP is displayed as a minimized program on the task bar and not displayed in the system tray.

4.  Go to Start > All Programs > CQG > CQG Algo Rep and run the Accounts Info program.

5.  In the CQG software, open a trading application. Note that the AlgoOrder type is now listed on the special orders menu.