Information Displayed in an FX OTC View

When using the FX OTC Options Calculator, you must input Contract, Currency, Date and Model Specific Parameter information.

You can collapse the Contract, Currencies Info and/or Dates-Delta in Days views, so that only the section heading shows.

To collapse a section view, click the button to left of the section header.

To re-expand a section view, click the + button to the left of the section header.





The cross currencies being analyzed.

Option Type

The type of options being analyzed. Choices include:

Vanilla OTC Spot

Exotic Vanilla Barrier

Exotic Binary AON 

Exotic Lookback

Options Style

Describes the time restrictions relevant to exercising the option. Values:

 American Options

European Options


The type of options being displayed.


The model used. Values:




Currencies Info




Currency symbol, for example, USD or EUR.


Input the amount of the first currency. The display then calculates the amount of the second currency, based on current market prices.


Enter a theoretical spot market price for the first currency.


Enter a strike price value.

Option Price

Enter a theoretical option price, if implied volatility is the selected calculation value.

Interest Rate %

Enter separate interest rates for the currencies involved. The defaults represent the interest rates based on the settings selected in the Interest Rate tab of the Preferences window.


Enter an assumed volatility value, if Theoretical Value is the selected calculation value.

Days to Expiry

Enter the number of days until expiration.


Note: You can change the dependent and independent relationship by left clicking on the currency header in the dependent column. Any values that have been derived through the CQG data line or given by a CQG data provider are displayed in a special color, green by default. If you change one of these values, its color changes to black.

Dates and Delta in Days

The Dates and Delta in Days section displays four dates in addition to the difference in days between the date in one row and the date in the row immediately above. The key dates are:


      Spot Date

      Expiry Date

      Delivery Date

You can enter either a date in the Dates column or Delta values in the Delta in Days column. When you make changes in one column, values in other columns change as appropriate.

Vanilla OTC Spot

The Vanilla OTC Spot option type allows you to choose between the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model and the Garman Kohlhagen model. If you choose the Cox-Ross Rubinstein model, you must also designate the following model specific parameters.



Iteration Number

The number of calculations used to arrive at the expiration value.

Smoothing Factor

Smooths out the model's Theoretic Value curve. Input a number from 0-10. Higher numbers produce a smoother curve. However, they also increase the error factor, especially in the Greek values.

Exotic Vanilla Barrier



Barrier Type

Way of describing the movement of the underlying versus the strike price. Choices include: Up and In, Up and Out, Down and In, Down and Out.

Barrier Value

Threshold price an underlying must reach for the option to have value.

Barrier Rebate

Price that is paid to the holder of an option if it expires worthless.

Exotic Binary AON

There are no parameters for the Exotic Binary AON option type.

Exotic Lookback



Lookback Type

Specify the brand of lookback. Values:

Floating strike

Fixed strike

Lowest Price

The lowest price of the underlying within the life of the contract.

Highest Price

The highest price of the underlying within the life of the contract.