Selecting Display Characteristics


Selecting Display from the initial Setup Study Parameters window allows you to set display characteristics for the following:

 Display Part



Sets the colors for the total and closed profit lines.


Sets the colors for the total and closed loss lines.


Sets the thicknesses for the total and closed display lines.


Sets the elements that appear in the display. Choices include:

Lines and Arrows, Arrows only, Lines only, or None.


Sets the form for the total and closed displays. Choices include: Line or Histogram.


Accesses a second color window to select the colors for the trades in the system. (The arrows and the circles in the top pane).


Allows you to select the colors for the system trades.

Entry Stop

Allows you to turn and off Entry Stop trades for this system.

Entry Limit

Allows you to turn and off Entry Limit trades for this system.

Exit Stop

Allows you to turn and off Exit Stop trades for this system.

Exit Limit

Allows you to turn and off Exit Limit trades for this system.


Turns on and off individual display elements showing statistics associated with the trade system.

Total Trade Count

Total number of buys and sells indicated by the system.

Open Position

Number of contracts long or short.

Percent Long

Percentage of the total trades that were long trades.

Average Duration

Average number of bars a trade is held.

Average Profit

Average gain for all trades.

Average Win

Average gain for all winning trades.

Average Loss

Average loss for all losing trades.

Maximum Win

Biggest winning trade.

Maximum Loss

Biggest losing trade.

Max Closed Draw

Biggest amount lost for any string of losing trades.

Max Draw Amount

Largest loss in equity during any time, i.e., the amount needed to trade the system.

Max Draw Duration

Largest number of bars form a peak to a trough

Max Consec Wins

Largest number of consecutive winning trades.

Cur Consec Wins

Current number of consecutive winning trades.

Max Consec Losses

Largest number of consecutive losing trades.

Cur Consec Losses

Current number of consecutive losing trades.

Profit to Max Draw

(Total Net Profit)/ (Maximum Draw Amount).

Profit Loss Ratio

(Total gain for open and closed trades)/(Total loss for open and closed trades).

Percent Winners

Percentage of profitable trades.

Remove To Neutral

Starting with the biggest winning trade, the percentage of all the trades that can be removed before breaking even. (Only relevant for profitable trade systems.)

Return Retrace

Average compounded return divided by the average maximum retracement (AMR), where the AMR equals the average of the maximum retracement for each point and the maximum retracement equals the larger of the: maximum retracement from a prior equity peak or the maximum retracement to a subsequent low. 

Linear Regress

Applies a least squares linear regression line to the profit curve producing an average return, which is divided by the Standard Error.

Time Percentage

Shows the number of bars in any trade divided by the current number of bars, which is the percentage of time (in terms of number of bars) the trade system has been in the position.


Notes:          Stat values are only displayed when the vertical cursor is active.

Total Net Profit and Closed Net Profit are automatically displayed.