Setting Aggregation Parameters

If you have not chosen trading parameters on Formula Builder, you can set them from DOMTrader or Order Ticket.

Calculation parameters, such as tick size and BAT filter, must be selected as part of the QFormula.

There are several ways to open the Setup Trading Parameters window:

      On Formula Builder, click the Trading Execution Patterns button, or click the Setup button and then click the Trade Strategy field.

      Click the Params button on the toolbar.

      Right-click the color-coded area on the trading application, and then click Set parameters.

      Press CTRL+M from the trading application.

      Click Set up parameters on the order duration menu.

      Click Set up parameters on the mode menu.

To reset parameters

Resetting parameters restores default values.

      Press Ctrl+R.

      Right-click the color-coded area on the trading application, then click Reset parameters.