SnapTrader 2 Components

This image illustrates what SnapTrader 2 (horizontally displayed) looks like in two modes as well as what it looks like when the mouse is hovered over a buy/sell button in market mode. It also highlights key window controls.






Buy and Sell buttons

Click to submit orders. Both buttons are disabled if DOM data is unavailable. Either of the buttons may be disabled if price data is unavailable.

Buttons include an arrow that indicates whether the market (adjusted market price) is above or below the selected price. If the adjusted market price equals the selected price, no arrow is displayed.

In market mode, the buy and sell buttons have a single pane:

This pane displays best bid or best ask. If either price is unavailable, then that button is disabled. If both prices are unavailable, last trade or settlement price is used. The number of price digits displayed is selected in price display preferences.

Best bid/ask volume is displayed below the price.

The circle in the bottom-right corner indicates that the last trade was a bid (last trade indicator). On the opposite side, it would indicate an offer. The indicator is on the lower-left corner on the vertical version of SnapTrader 2.


Hover the mouse over a button, and the button is tri-paned: top, side, and bottom:


Side pane = order type

Top pane = buy or sell order with quantity, price, and best bid/ask volume

Bottom pane = sell or buy order with quantity, price, and best bid/ask volume


Move to a price, and one side is double-paned and the opposite side is tri-paned.


In selected price mode, the display includes:

price below market:

      BUY, size, price, limit type

      SELL, size, price, stop type

price above market:

      BUY, size, price, stop type

      SELL, size, price, limit type

if the mouse hovers over the side pane:

      Side, size, price, duration, type

if the mouse hovers over bottom pane

      Side, size, price, type


Order types

In market mode:


In selected price mode:

      GTC if DAY is selected on the order type window

      DAY if any other order type is selected

      Empty for limit orders

      STP LMT if default order type is STP

      STP if any other stop type is selected on the order type window

Iceberg DAY orders

In selected price mode, price below market:


In selected price mode, price below market, hover on side pane:

      DAY LMT

Iceberg GTC orders

In selected price mode, price below market:


In selected price mode, price below market, hover on side pane:

      GTC LMT

Drag bar

Click and drag to move SnapTrader 2 to another location on the chart.

Minimize button

Click this button to hide SnapTrader 2. The button remains on the chart and can be dragged to a different location. Click it again to open SnapTrader 2.

Order Types button

Click to open this menu of order types:

The types selected are the default values specified in trading preferences for the symbol and account. Changes made on this window are saved in trading preferences.

Iceberg orders must be LMT orders.

Order types that are not enabled are not shown.

Speculation Type was introduced in response to MiFID regulations. It is displayed only if Speculation Type applies to the instrument or leg instrument (in the case of strategies) in use. If you modify Speculation Type using this menu, trading preferences for the current contract and account are modified also.

Size field and buttons

The size field is editable. The default value is selected in risk parameters.

There are three size buttons on the horizontal version of SnapTrader 2 and five on the vertical version.

Size buttons take their value from the three most recent, unique order sizes prior to the last traded order size. If the number of most recent unique order sizes is less than the number of buttons, then the buttons take their value from default order quantities set in Risk trading preferences.

Click a size button to update the editable size field.

Image of iceberg order:

Up and down buttons

Click these buttons to move between prices.

Right-click these buttons to return to market mode.

A horizontal line is added to the chart. As you click the buttons, the line moves with the price. If you move the line, the price on SnapTrader is updated when you park the line.


Use of these components is detailed in Placing Orders with SnapTrader 2.

Colors and auto-hide

SnapTrader 2 uses best bid and best ask colors.

Auto-hide is on by default. When it is on, only the buy and sell buttons are displayed. If you turn off auto-hide, all components are displayed.

To turn off auto-hide, right-click SnapTrader 2, then click Auto-hide order properties.