TFlow External Data (TFXData)

The three XData studies (BarXData, CVBXData, and TFXData) allow you to take sub-minute (millisecond) external data and plot three different types of charts within CQG. These charts can be viewed as historical (static) or in a snapshot/live mode (dynamic) depending on the data source.

Markets with good trade activity that will give the granularity needed for millisecond analytical decision making are best for this study.

These studies are used with an external data source that is sub-minute and either an historic ASCII data set or a continuously appended ASCII data set.

The data file should be represented in this column order: Date, Time, Bid, BidVolume, Ask, AskVolume, Trade, TradeVolume.

Ask, AskVolume, Bid, BidVolume, Trade, and TradeVolume are prices and volumes that are used to calculate TFXHigh/Low/Open/Close and other bar outputs and to determine the starting position of new bars. TradeVolume is used to assign TFXAskVolume/TFXBidVolume (according to current bid and ask best prices) and volume bar outputs.


      The ASCII file must be tab-delimited (.txt file) or space-delimited (.prn file). File type .csv (comma-delimited) cannot be used.

      The first line of file should contain the contract description in this: Symbol: MySymbol, Description: MyDescription.

      Each value represents the current state of last best bid, last best ask, and last trade for particular date and time.

      Date format is MM.DD.YY; time format is hh:mm:ss.iii where i is milliseconds.

      Prices are two digits and are displayed as is.

      Data must be ascending.


To use this study:

1.  Add the study to chart.

2.  Right-click the chart, and select Modify Study Parameters.

3.  Click the Browse button to find the data file you want to import.

4.  Set other parameters.

5.  Click OK.

The data from your file is charted.

TFlowXData Parameters




Location of data file. Click Browse to search for it.


Rate at which the system checks for changes to data file.


Opens Specify Conditions window.

Vol Threshold


      Percent of Average = values are percent of average volume, calculated as the arithmetic mean of total volume of all bars in the same session from the previous trading day.

      Percent Rank = indicates where the bar falls relative to lookback period. If the previous day's average is not available, then Actual volume values will be displayed.


      No Normalization = changes the bar color to black and removes weighted volume. Range of the bid and ask is displayed.


Color for bid volume bars for each size of bar.


Color for ask volume bars for each size of bar.



      Bars = aggregate TFlow bars by number of bars set in Aggregation Level

      Range = aggregate TFlow bars by number of ticks set in Aggregation Level

      Smoothing = aggregate TFlow bars using a proprietary algorithm and number of bars set in Aggregation Level

Aggregation Level

Tells the system to create a new bar for every n bars (up to 50) or when the range exceeds n ticks.