Tick Size (TSize)

This function is available on the Add Study window and in the Formula Toolbox.

TickSize returns the size of the minimum price units.

For example, High(@) +10*TickSize(@) returns a line ten ticks above the high of each bar.

TickSize can be used to create a channel line above and/or below a bar or candlestick chart. TickSize can also be used to define a specific price level in conditions, user formulas or trade systems.

Example: High(@) +10*TickSize(@)





Opens a sub-window with display properties:

      Color = Select a line color.

      Weight = Type a value for line thickness.

      Display = Select line style: line, histogram, or dash.

      ShareScale = Assign a behavior for functions and studies sharing the vertical scale:

      Auto = System determine whether sharing is feasible.

      On = Scale is shared regardless of the functions and studies displayed.

      Off = Scale is not shared.


Opens the Specify Conditions for Marking Bar window.