To create new conditions or user values

1.  Click the New button on the Conditions or User Values tab from Formula Builder to open the Create a New Condition (or User Value) window.

2.  Enter a condition (user value) name in the Create a New…window. User values cannot be named the same as a bar value, for example, Open, Close, and so forth.

3.  Click OK to open Formula Builder.

4.  Click the Toolbox button to define the new condition (user value).

5.  Select the elements from the Formula Toolbox to insert into the new condition (user value).

To copy a condition or user value

You can modify an existing condition or user value to use it as the basis for a new user value or formula.

1.  Click a Condition or User Value from the Available…. section on the relevant tab in Formula Builder.

2.  Click the Copy button to open the Copy a User Value window.

3.  Enter a different name for the Condition or User Value.

4.  Click OK to close the Copy a …window.

The newly named formula appears in the Formula for… section and can be modified either directly or by selecting and inserting items from the Formula Toolbox.