Using Options Calculator

Using the [Tab] key (to move to the next cell) and [Shift] + [Tab] keys (to move to the previous cell) keys facilitates moving around Options Calculator.

Using Options Calculator involves:

1.  Selecting the desired instrument symbol.

2.  Inputting the desired series.

3.  Selecting a model.

4.  Inputting the WhatIf values (if desired).

5.  Choosing a type of graph (top tabs).

6.  Selecting a view (bottom tabs).

Selecting a Symbol

To begin using Options Calculator you must:

Enter the symbol prefix without any month indicator.

Example: JY

Selecting the Class and Expiration Month

Once you have entered the desired symbol, a drop-down list appears in the Option row of the Contract section.

Select the desired class and expiration month from the drop-down list associated with the Option row in the Contract section.

Selecting the Strike

After you have selected a symbol, class and expiration month, a drop-down list appears in the Strike row.

Select the desired strike price.

After a series is selected, the Actuals column is filled in with the most recent values.

Note: Prices indicated by an asterisk in the Actuals column are yesterday's values.

Selecting a Model

Options pricing models produce theoretical values for an option contract based on five inputs: Underlying Price, Strike Price, Time to Expiration, Interest Rate, and Underlying Volatility.

CQG offers seven basic option models that serve as the framework for valuing options: Black, Black-Scholes, Bourtov, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, Garman-Kohlhagen, Merton, and Whaley.

1.  Click the drop-down arrow in the Model row in the Contract section.

2.  Select the desired model.


1.  Click the Setup button.

2.  Select Preferences.

3.  Select a model from the list.

4.  Click the OK button to close the Preferences for the Options Calculator window.