Using Sub-Accounts with Trading Interfaces (Order Comments)

Brokers who trade multiple customer accounts can use a sub-account to identify customer orders while trading from a single account. This sub-account can then be used to filter the order book by customer.

Sub-accounts are added using comments. Once added, the accounts are displayed in the Account Picker list.

Sub-account workflow

1.  First, go to Other Functions preferences and turn on sub-accounts.

      DOMTrader preferences

      Order Ticket preferences

      Order Desk preferences

This allows you to add sub-accounts to the Account Picker list. All previously created sub-accounts are displayed.

2.  Then, using comments, enter the sub-account identifier when you place the order.


3.  Once the sub-account has been entering using comments, it is displayed in the list of accounts on Account Picker. The sub-account is identified in the title bar of DOMTrader and Order Ticket.


The sub-account is also displayed in Comment fields, like here on Orders & Positions:


When a sub-account is used:

      The number of working orders and open position applies only to the selected sub-account.

      Cancelling working orders results in cancelling only orders for that sub-account.

      Liquidating or reversing a position results in an order applied to that sub-account.

Sub-accounts on Orders & Positions

When you filter by sub-account, all data for the current day, including positions, offsets, and confirmations is generated based only on fills that belongs to the selected sub-account.

Filtering by sub-account applies only to the current day.

Balances on the Account Summary window are calculated for the main account regardless of the sub-account.

When you liquidate a position, the sub-account identifier is replicated in the Comment field.

If you replicate the filtered Orders and Positions window, the filter remains.

As you add sub-accounts, the filter list is updated automatically. If you delete a sub-account (that is, change the sub-account, so that no order comments contain that sub-account), it is removed from the list after logging in again. Comments for manual fills are changed on the Update Trade window.

If you change or delete the sub-account comment, the sub-account is displayed in the filter menu until you:

      log off from trading and log on again;

      change the date filter from current day; or

      clear the Enable sub-accounts check box in preferences.

The master account is used if the selected sub-account has been removed from the list.

A sub-account is automatically removed if there are no associated fills for 100 days.

To create a new sub-account on Order Desk

On Order Desk, you can create a new sub-account without using comments.

1.  Type the name of the sub-account in the Account field, and Enter.


2.  Map the sub-account to an account, and click OK.


The newly created sub-account is then listed on the Account Picker.