Working with the Table Pane

Trades Table

The Trades table is made up of rows of trades. The number of rows depends on the strategy selected. The rules of the strategy dictate which cells on this table can be edited.




Enter any valid options commodity. Usually only the commodity symbol must be entered. Based on this entry, the system automatically fills in the series information, generally selecting the near-term, at-the-money series.

Change by typing a new symbol in the field.


A strategy rule dictates this setting.

Change by using the drop-down menu.


The Quantity defaults to 1 contract, or the lowest appropriate ratio numbers for ratio spreads. However, you can change this number.

When the quantity for one trade in a multi-trade strategy is changed, the quantities for the other trades change proportionately.

Change by typing a new value in the field.

Exp Month

When an option has been entered, either by a user or by the system, the trade type (Call or Put) appears in the Type box. Additionally, the Exp Month box contains a drop-down list of available expiration months. When the Type is Underlying, this box is disabled.

Change by using the drop-down menu.


The Strike box lists the strikes for the selected expiration month. When you select a different expiration month, the available strikes and the default strike change, based on the price of the underlying futures contract.

Strategy View uses the at-the-money strike as the default strike, unless a strategy rule for the selected strategy imposes other requirements. In some cases, the available strike list is shortened, based on the contents of another Strike box.

Example: For instance, in a butterfly call strategy, the strike price of trade 2 is greater than the strike price of trade 1. In this case, CQG shows only the strikes for trade 2, which are greater than those for trade 1. Similar to the Exp Month box, Strategy View displays a strike price only for options trades.

Change by using the drop-down menu.


A strategy rule dictates this setting. Change by using the drop-down menu.


Type a new price or use the default. Right-click the field to open this window:


Select one of six prices from the list. Bid/Ask averages are shown only when they can be calculated, but the system always displays theoretical value and last trade or settlement price. Changing the values in the Underlying, Volatility, DTE or Int Rate boxes results in a new theoretical value.

Click the Set Defaults button to choose default values.


Entry price is calculated as the weighted sum of the strategy legs unless strategy is already registered by an exchange.


Butterfly Call, Long for EPM4

Leg quantities: 1, 2, 1

Leg entry prices: 4050, 3875, 3475

UDS entry price: (4050 - 2*3875 + 3475) / 100 = -2.25 (100 is price scale for EP)


You can systematically track the commissions paid by entering the amount of the commissions in the table under the Comm column.

Change by typing a new value in the field.


Last price.


Last available synthetic best bid or best ask for the strategy calculated in the same way they are calculated for synthetic spread strategies, unless the strategy is already registered by an exchange.


Number of days from now until expiration. The DTE for the strategy equal the DTE for the first expiring contract.

Full Symbol

Names strategy and lists symbols for trades.


Customizing Columns

With the exception of the Trades table, the column display of each of the tables in this pane can be customized. Click the Setup button, then click Customize <table> Columns.

Column Name


B-E Point At Exp

Underlying value necessary to reach the breakeven point at expiration, i.e. Where expiration value curve crosses zero.

B-E Point Cur Val

Underlying value currently necessary to break even, that is, where the theoretical value curve crosses zero.

Bid Ask Time

Time for the most recent bid or ask


Indicates the total amount received or (paid) before commissions.


Change in price with respect to change in the underlying.

Expiration Date

Lowest strike for the strategy.

Full Symbol

Complete symbol for each leg of the strategy.


Change in the delta with respect to a change in the price.

Implied Underlying Price

Implied underlying price uses options data to predict what the market value of the underlying should be. The position summary line provides a weighted average of IU for the entire strategy. The same weighted averaging method is also used for Implied Volatility (IV) calculations.

Implied Volatility

Implied volatility for the option contract.

Interest Rate

User-selected interest rate. (From the Setup menu)

Last Ask

Most recent offer.

Last Bid

Most recent bid.

Last Trade

Value for the last trade.

Last Trade Change

Change in price since the prior close.

Last Trade Elapse

Time elapsed since the last trade.

Last Trade Time

Time of day for the (CT).

Max Gain

Indicates the maximum gain for each leg of the strategy, as well as for the overall strategy.

Max Loss

Indicates the maximum loss for each leg of the strategy, as well as for the overall strategy.

MMR Estimate


Open Interest

Open interest for the selected option or the open interest for the entire complex for an underlying futures contract.

Open Trade Equity

Current value of the strategy - the entry value of the strategy.


Change in theoretical value as a result of a 1 percentage point change in interest rates.

Theo Value

Theoretical value of the option.


Loss in theoretical value in one day, holding all other factors constant.

Trade Commission

Commissions paid for each part of the strategy (users must input these values).

Trade Entry

Entry price for the trade.

Trade Quantity

Number of contracts long or short in the strategy.

Under Trade Change

Tick value of the underlying.

Under Trade Elapse

Time elapsed since the underlying futures contract last traded.

Under Trade Time

Time the underlying futures contract last traded.

Underlying Avg Vol

Average volatility of the underlying instrument.

Underlying Days to Expiration

Number of days, including the current day, until expiration.

Underlying Hist Vol

Historical volatility for the underlying instrument.

Underlying Total Open Interest

Total open interest for the relevant futures contract.

Underlying Total Volume

Total volume for the relevant futures contract.

Underlying Trade

Last trade price for the underlying contract.


Change in theoretical value as a result of a 1point change in volatility.


Volume for the futures of options contract.

Customizing Tabs

Adding a custom tab

1.  Right-click an existing tab

2.  Select New Tab.

3.  Enter a name for the new tab.

4.  Click the OK button. This closes the New User Tab window, displays the new, user-created tab and displays the Customize Strategy…Columns window, allowing you to include the desired items in the new tab.

5.  Select the desired items from the Customize Strategy…Columns window.

Deleting and renaming a tab

You can delete or rename any of the top table tabs (except the Trades tab).

1.  Right-click on the tab.

2.  Select Delete Tab.


3.  Select Rename Tab.

4.  Enter the new name for the tab.

5.  Click the OK button to close the Rename Tab window.