Aggregation Strategies

Aggregation allows you to place a single order for similar instruments in two or more exchanges and let the system find the market with the best bid or offer.

Extended notation format: AGGR(linear expression, [calculation mode], [tick size], [trade ratio], [roll-over])


AGGR(TYA?&ZNE?&LTY?, L1, 1/2 of 1/32, 1:1:1, 1)

AGGR(BTC10&CUS10&GVXP10, L1, 1/2 of 1/32, 1:1:1, 1) */


Common notation format: AGGR(symbol&symbol).

Example: AGGR(TYA&ZNE)




Calc Mode

Identifies how you would like the strategy calculated, by legs or currency.

Auto = Displays difference in price between symbols.

L1, L2, L3, etc. = Displays price based on tick value of leg selected.

CUR = Displays the price based on the full currency values of the legs.

Default = Auto.

Tick Size

Select Auto or a tick size from the drop-down menu.

Auto (default) = Uses L1 tick size for strategy tick size.

Trade Ratio

Order quantity for each leg.


If turned on, when one leg expires, all legs roll over to the same month. Allowed values:

OFF = Same month rollover is turned off.

ON = Same month rollover is turned on.

Default = OFF.


To create aggregation QFormulas