Conversion Factor (ConvFactor and ConvFactor 2)

This function, which has two options, can be accessed only in the Toolbox.


Conversion Factor calculates the appropriate conversion for the futures contract based on the delivery period (for example, TYA?1, TYA?2) and the cash treasury (T.US.C025P0820, T.US.C034P0520).

Example: ConvFactor(TYA,CUS10)=0.6956

This iteration of the function has no parameters.


This function differs from ConvFactor in that ConvFactor requires specific contracts. With ConvFactor 2, you can use your own custom specs set with parameters.

This function is tradable within a spread in CQG Integrated Client.

Example: Yield_(ConversionFactor(TYA)*TYA)

ConvFactor2 parameters



CPN Rate (%)

Select the coupon rate.

Bond Mature Date

Enter a maturity date.

Futures Mode

Select Default or Custom. Custom allows you to modify the expiration data and maturity period.

Expiration Date

Used when Futures Mode = Custom.

Maturity Period

Used when Futures Mode = Custom.