Converting Quote SpreadSheet to QSS 2.0

You can convert a standard Quote Spreadsheet to QSS 2.0 by clicking the To QSS 2.0 button on QSS toolbar. All tabbed windows are converted.

Columns and rows are copied in same order with same names. If QSS has a column that isn’t available with 2.0, then it’s ignored. If QSS has empty rows, then those rows are ignored. Custom titles are also retained.

Linking and grouping is preserved. That is, if QSS belongs to any set of linked windows, then 2.0 belongs to the same set of linked windows.

Generally, QSS 2.0 uses default monitor preferences. But when QSS uses price coloring, then QSS 2.0 uses the same (see Quote SpreadSheet colors).

QSS 2.0 requires an enablement.