Custom QuoteBoard Toolbar

The toolbar contains the Basic Studies, Custom Studies, Chart Type, and Functions buttons that appeared on the most recently displayed Chart toolbar as well as the Edit, LastNet, MWatch, QBoard, CustQB, QSS, and EQSS buttons that are standard on all quote windows.

This toolbar also includes these buttons:

<IntD> button

Changes from a historical time interval to an intraday interval beginning with the last used intraday value.

Right-click the button to move through the list in increasing order from 5-min to 10-min to 15-min to 30-min to 60-min to daily. If you continue to right-click, you will circle through the list.

Click the button to move through the list in decreasing order from daily down to 1-min. Once you reach 1-min, you need to right-click to move up the list.

<Hist> button

Changes from an intraday time interval to a historical interval beginning with the last used historical value. Values include: Y (annual), S (semi-annual), Q (quarter), M (month), W (week), D (day), and 60-min.

Right-click the button to move through the list in increasing order.

Click the button to move through the list in decreasing order.