Entering Funari Orders

CQG offers a suite of Smart Orders that includes Funari orders. A Funari order requires any unfilled order quantity be executed as a market order at either the morning close or afternoon close (market-on-close).

For this order type, any unfilled order quantity is executed as a market order at either the morning close or afternoon close.

Funari orders are sent directly to the exchange.

Only a small number of exchanges offer this order type through CQG, and within those offerings only a small number of instruments can be traded using this type.

Placing these orders requires an enablement from CQG and from you in Smart Order Preferences.

To enter a Funari order

1.  Click the Special Orders arrow and select Funari, like this:

You’ll want to ensure that OCO is selected if you do not want to place a bracket order. One or the other must be selected, and OCOs require an additional step to turn on.

Notice that the order type icon and watermarks change:

2.  Place the order. If you have confirmations turned on, click OK. It will look like something like this on the DOM: