Interval Spread in Currency (SpdCurr)

      Get all the quote price updates (both bids and asks) between the place acknowledgment time and last fill time of the order (“start and end time of the order”).

      For the placement time and for each subsequent quote update compute

      Spread in bps at this time point: SpdBps[i] =  (AskPx – BidPx) / ((AskPx + BidPx)/2) * 10000

      Spread in currency at this time point: SpdCurr[i] =  (AskPx – BidPx) / TickSize * TickValue

      Duration dt[i] this spread was valid for.

      The average interval spread in bps and currency is calculated as

      AvgSpdBps = sum (SpdBps[i] * dt[i]) / sum (dt[i]).

      AvgSpdCurr = sum (SpdCurr[i] * dt[i]) / sum (dt[i]).

Interval Spread in Currency parameters




Opens sub-window to set parameters

      Color = Line color.

      Weight = Line thickness.

      Display = Line style: line or histogram.

      Text color = Color of order ID text.


Opens Specify Conditions window.

GW Account ID

Account identifier.

Place Order GUID

Order identifier.