Interval Volume In Limit (IntVlmLmt)

      Get all the trades (their prices and volumes) occurred in the market between the place acknowledgment time and last fill time of the order (“start and end time of the order”).

      The Interval volume is IntVol = sum (volume[i]).

      Same as simple Interval Volume, but taking into account only trades whose price is equal or above the order’s limit price in case of a SELL order, or is equal or below the order’s limit price in case of a BUY order.

Interval Volume in Limit parameters




Opens sub-window to set parameters

      Color = Line color.

      Weight = Line thickness.

      Display = Line style: line or histogram.

      Text color = Color of order ID text.


Opens Specify Conditions window.

GW Account ID

Account identifier.

Place Order GUID

Order identifier.