Modifying and Cancelling Orders on DOMTrader, Split DOMTrader, and HOT

You can change order quantity and price and cancel orders directly on DOMTrader, Split DOMTrader, and HOT.

On Split DOMTrader, you can move orders from one grid to another.

To change the quantity

1.  Click the order in the Buy or Sell column.

2.  Type a new quantity value or click a quantity button.

3.  ENTER.

To change the price

1.  Click the order in the Buy or Sell column.

2.  Drag and drop it at a new price.

3.  If prompted to confirm, click OK to apply the change.

To cancel orders

There are several ways to cancel orders on DOMTrader:

      Right-click the working order or stack of working orders;

      Use the cancel buttons on DOMTrader window to cancel buy orders, sell orders, or all orders; or

      Drag and drop

1.  Select the working order cell.

2.  Drag the order cell off the window. The order is displayed like this:



3.  Drop the order.