Orders and Positions Accounts Pane

The Accounts pane is organized by FCM and then by account with further granularity for date, symbol, or trade system, depending on the tabbed window.

The selection you make on the Accounts pane determines the data populated in the other panes:

      Select All FCMs to see a summary of all accounts for all FCMs.

      Select All Accounts to see a summary of all accounts for a particular FCM.

      Select an account (or date, symbol, or trade system) for data about a particular account.


When All FCMs or All Accounts is selected on the by Trade System tabbed window, individual trade systems are not listed.

If you select All FCMs or All Accounts, then Current Day must be used on the Filter pane and, by default, Account and FCM columns are added to the Order pane. They can be turned off in preferences.

Cumulative OTE/PL information in the title bar of the Orders and Positions window reflects this selection also.

On the by Symbol tabbed window, the symbol icon is red if it is close to expiration.

When you use the Accounts pane to filter data, the filter pane is automatically updated to reflect those changes.

Icons at FCM level


futures and options

fixed income


local FCM




Icons at Day, Symbol, and Trade System level

current day, symbol, trade system

expiring account symbol

statement has corrupt data

statement is downloading

statement reconciliation complete, no discrepancies

statement reconciliation complete, some discrepancies

statement archived, no associated data

Icons at Account level


Expired contracts

red = contains contracts that have expired or are close to expiring

Expiration is based on the Expiration alert setting (Setup > Account Preferences > Events

white = contains no contracts that have expired or are close to expiring


not empty = contains trades

empty = contains no trades

Net Position

exclamation point = account has potentially incorrect net positions, as locally calculated positions do not match positions received by the CQG gateway; positions are potentially incorrect because of possible race condition between the query response and an order fill

no exclamation point = no issue with net positions


open = folder is currently selected

closed = folder is not currently selected


Account with no expired or expiring contracts, no trades, correct net position, not selected

Account with no expired or expiring contracts, with trades, correct net position, not selected

Account with no expired or expiring contracts, no trades, correct net position, selected folder

Account with no expired or expiring contracts, with trades, correct net position, selected folder

Account with expired or expiring contracts, no trades, correct net position, not selected

Account with expired or expiring contracts, with trades, correct net position, not selected

Account with expired or expiring contracts, no trades, correct net position, selected

Account with expired or expiring contracts, with trades, correct net position, selected

Account with no expired or expiring contracts, no trades, incorrect position, not selected

Account with no expired or expiring contracts, with trades, incorrect position, not selected

Account with no expired or expiring contracts, no trades, incorrect position, selected

Account with no expired or expiring contracts, with trades, incorrect position, selected

Account with expired or expiring contracts, no trades, incorrect position, not selected

Account with expired or expiring contracts, with trades, incorrect position, not selected

Account with expired or expiring contracts, no trades, incorrect position, selected

Account with expired or expiring contracts, with trades, incorrect position, selected

Incorrect account

Account currently requested or calculating