Setting Symbol Preferences






Preferred Type

Sets the default symbol type by moving it to the top of this list. If you enter a symbol without a preceding F., X., S., or T., then the default is used. This list is also used to prioritize the types, so that if the symbol entered is not, for example, a futures symbol, then assume it’s a cash symbol.

Preferred Country

Sets the preferred country, as different instruments with the same symbol may trade in more than one country.

Preferred Action on Double-click on a Symbol

When you double-click a symbol in an application, either a chart or a trading window opens. Choose chart or trading window here. The preferred trading window is selected on the Misc tab.

Preferred QFormula display format

Indicates how QFormulas should be named throughout the system. QFormulas can be identified by QName (default), QNumber, and QFormula on windows and menus. For example, consider this QFormula (Formula Builder):


If QName is selected, then the QFormula is identified as “FOB.”

If QNumber is selected, then the QFormula is identified as “Q1.”

If Formula is selected, then the QFormula is identified as “SPREAD(2.5*FVA-USA,,,5:2).”

If you select QNumber and no number is available, then the QName is used.

If you select Formula and the formula has multiple lines, then QName is used.

If you select Formula and the formula is marked as “Deny Copy” and “Hide Formula when Deny Copy is set,” then QName is used. For such formulas, the extended tooltip information will not include the formula.

Configure Price and Volume Format

Opens the Price and Volume Settings window.

Apply symbol changes to minimized windows

Tells the system to change the symbol in both minimized and maximized windows when you press CTRL+ENTER. Otherwise, only the maximized windows are updated.