SnapTrader and SnapTrader 2 Modes

SnapTrader and SnapTrader 2 have two modes: market mode and selected price mode.

In market mode, both best ask and best bid prices are displayed. In this mode, buy and sell buttons are used to place market orders. When SnapTrader is first opened, it is in market mode.

SnapTrader moves from market mode to selected price mode when:

      You click the up and down arrows on SnapTrader to move the price. Note that a horizontal line that follows the SnapTrader price is added to the chart.

      You park a horizontal line on the chart. If you add more than one, the price on SnapTrader corresponds to the most recently parked line.

      On SnapTrader 2 only, you press the up or down arrow on the keyboard. Up moves the price to the best ask, and down moves the price to the best bid.


In selected price mode, SnapTrader is associated with a horizontal line. Unlike market mode, where two prices are displayed, only the selected price is shown. In this mode, a Center button is displayed below the price.

The button includes an arrow that indicates whether the market (adjusted market price) is above or below the selected price. If the adjusted market price equals the selected price, no arrow is displayed.

SnapTrader moves from selected price mode to market mode when:

      You click the Center button (SnapTrader).

      You right-click the up or down arrow button (SnapTrader 2).

      You remove the parked horizontal lines from the chart.

Clicking the Center button on a Market Profile chart removes the horizontal line. Clicking the Center button on other charts removes only the horizontal line associated with the price.