Trading Accounts

One thing every trading system needs is a way to know which trading account to assign trades. XLS Trader already knows whether or not you are logged into a trader username, such as the DOMTrader, in IC, which accounts you have access to, what instruments you are able to trade, etc.


You can explicitly set the Account parameter for any order or other formula that has it.

If your username only has access to one trading account, you will not need to specify an account for your trading systems. However, if you have access to more than one account, you may want to make use of the “DefaultAccount” function.


In our example, I have entered cell A1 for the system parameter, and given “SIMabc123” for the account parameter.


TIP: In order to find the correct string to enter for the account you want to use, you can go to your “Orders and Positions” window in IC and browse the accounts from the account filter dropdown:


You can use either the “Number” or the “Name” for your account parameter. If entered correctly, after exiting that cell the function will display the account. If we had entered our parameters incorrectly, we would get an error in this function cell instead, such as when we try to enter the system name explicitly as a string rather than as a “cell reference” as it expects:


If we look at it with the function wizard, we can see a preview of the result and fix it before exiting:


The problem above is the System parameter should reference cell A1, which declares the name of the trading system and that the verifies the trading system is running.