Trading Large Quantities

CQG supports large order sizes that are abbreviated using:

      K= thousand

      M = million

      B = billion

You are able to use these new abbreviations when you enter order size on DOMTrader, Order Ticket, Simple Order Ticket, SnapTrader, and Alerts as well as when you set quantity preferences.

DOMTrader and position quantity is abbreviated to its maximum length of three digits if it is more than 5 digits.

For example:

76,163,344 becomes 76.2M

6,103,344 becomes 6.1M

120,345 becomes 120K

23,345 stays 23,345

Order size, including iceberg display size, is abbreviated to its maximum length of four digits.

For example:

76,100,000 becomes 76M

10,000 becomes 10K

123,400 becomes 123K

1000 stays 1000

Any necessary rounding is done according to standard mathematical principles. For example, 12,499 = 12K, 12,500 = 13K, 999,500 = 1M.

Overflow, meaning when the size is too large to be displayed, is identified using the plus sign. Values over 2,147,483,647 are represented as “2b+”.

DOMTrader and Order Ticket display balloons with the full size if you hover the cursor over the value.

Invalid quantities, such as 1.234, are in red font.

In addition to your being able to use large numbers and their abbreviations in order entry, CQG uses these abbreviations on the QSS and EQSS, Orders and Positions, the Order Ticker, and the chart’s Order Book.