Window concepts: in page, out of page, on top

In page

A window is in page if it cannot be moved by dragging it outside the boundaries of the software window. Most application windows open in page.

In-page windows can be moved out of page only if you press Ctrl as you drag the window.

To move between windows in page, press Ctrl+Tab. Focus moves in the order in which you added the windows.

Out of page

A window is out of page if it can be moved outside the boundaries of the software window. Some application windows open out of page.

To move out-of-page windows in page, press Ctrl and drag the window onto the page.

Out of page windows are easily identified by their colored title bar. The color is determined by System preferences.

Moving between in page and out of page

To move an in-page window out of page, press Ctrl as you drag it. You’ll notice the color of the title bar change. This video shows DOMTrader being dragged out of the software window onto the desktop.


You can also click the control button menu. Taking a window out of page removes its toolbar from the Main window.

To move an out-of-page window in page, press Ctrl and drag the window onto the page.

You can also click the control button menu, then choose the current page or a different page.

On top

A window is on top when it remains at the forefront of your screen. On top applies to windows out of page.

When a window is out of a page, the control button menu includes two options:

      Window on Top of CQG/PC = window is displayed over any CQG IC window, allowing you to move it between pages on different computer monitors.

      Window on Top of All Applications = window is displayed even when CQG IC is minimized, that way you can work in other desktop applications easily while keeping an eye on a chart, for example.