XLS Trader Logs

The XlsTraderLog function displays your logs in Excel. These logs are different from the Order Logs.


This function must be entered as an array. Select the column and number of rows you want to display, add the function =XlsTraderLog() and then hit the key combination Shift+Ctrl+Enter.


The MinType parameter sets the filtering of the log records. Each log record type details what the trade system is doing (e.g. places an order) or any external events that can effect trading (e.g. order is acknowledged by the exchange and now has a status of Working).


    Debug: Contains low-level technical details that may not make sense to traders, but will be helpful to developers. These technical details can be crucial for debugging a defect, hence the log record type is called “Debug”.

    Info: This is the most common type of log record. it informs you of some trade system action or external event, which will be understood by traders, This is the main source of information detailing the activities of the trading system.

    Warning: A warning is a signal of something unusual, unexpected, but not critical to the trading system performance. A warning may be an early sign of a potential error, but not yet an error, just some unusual behavior.

    Error: An error signals that something went wrong: some actions of your trading system failed, e.g. order was rejected.

    Critical: Critical log records are some events that you don’t want to miss under any circumstances. For example, your system was stopped or started, connection to order routing was lost, etc. Critical records are not always errors. They are introduced as something that stands out above all other log records.

    The default is “Info”.


The Substring parameter allows you to filter the logs by the system name.


The Reverse parameter sets the logs to append new records at the top instead of the bottom.


If you modify the parameters, you need to always use the key combination Shift+Ctrl+Enter to update the array.