Define Options Graph Curves


1.  Click the Display button to reveal the Setup Options Graph Contents window or right-click the title bar of the Options Graph window.

2.  Select Customize displays.

The Setup Options Graph Contents window gives you wide latitude to customize Options Graphs displays. By default, the window displays 8 tabs: Vol/OI, TickVol, TheoV/Pr, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, IV. Within each tab you can select a Button Abbreviation, Button Description, Graph Content, Put and Call Colors, Specific Graph Style Settings, Smoothing properties, and the Multiplier.

You may also add, remove or change the construction of any of the display tabs or revert the display back to its original state, that is, its state before any changes were made.

Adding a Tab

Click the New button to place a new tab in the Setup Options Graph Contents window and clear the cells so you can make new selections.

Entering a Button Abbreviation

If you enter a name in the Abbreviation section, this name appears as the toolbar button name and as the tab name in the Setup Options Graph Contents window.

Entering a Description

The name entered in the Description box appears in the title bar of the Options Graph window when that graph is displayed.

Selecting the Graph Content

Within the Graph Content section of the window you can select the Scale, Data type and Display type and enter a Caption.

Selecting a Scale

The Scale variable allows you to select the value displayed on the vertical axis.

1.  Click the drop-down list arrow to display the choices.

2.  Select one or more of the choices, which include: Price, Greek and Volume.

Note: You can select a Multiplier to adjust scales that have different magnitudes.

Selecting the Data type

Depending on the Scale choice, you have different Data choices available. The Data choices for each Scale choice within each tab include:

Data choices for the Price scale:


      Theoretical Value


      Close Price

      Last Price

      Open Price

      Strike Price

      Yesterday's close




      Trade or Settlement

Data choices for the Greek scale:






      Implied Volatility

Data choices for the Volume scale:


      Open Interest

      Tick Volume


Selecting the Display Type

Select from the following display types:

      Unsmoothed line


      Smoothed line


Entering a Caption

Input a brief description in the Caption section. The caption appears in the mouse text that is displayed when you move the mouse over a display element.

Selecting Colors for the Puts and Calls

You can select the call and put colors for each of the lines within each tab.

1.  Click the color under the Call or Put heading.

2.  Select a color from the color palette.


Selecting the Settings

In the settings sections, users can select a Style, Hatch, and a Width size.

Selecting a Style

The Style section allows users to further refine the Display choice.

Style choices include: Hatch and Solid.

Note:  Hatch style refers to a pattern within the bar.
Selecting a hatch style facilitates differentiating bar colors when printing on a black and white printer.
A Hatch style can only be selected if you have chosen Bar as the Display type.

If you have selected Hatch as the designated style, you can select a hatch style from the drop-down list under the Hatch heading.

If you have chosen Solid as the designated style, you can set the thickness of the line (not the thickness of the bar) in pixels in the Width area of the Settings section.

Choosing the Smoothing Characteristics

Choosing the smoothing characteristics allows you to decide how the curve is fitted to the actual display points. You can only choose smoothing characteristics if the Smooth display type has been chosen.

CQG allows you to select from the following smoothing methods:

      Standard: If you select the Standard method, you can select a polynomial degree and a sensitivity. The higher the polynomial degree, the more flexible (curvy) the line is and therefore, the better it fits the curve. However, the more points that are considered, the less generally applicable the curve will be. The higher the sensitivity number, the more points are taken into consideration when fitting the curve.

      Polynomial: The Polynomial method uses the following formula:
Y(X) = a0 + a1*X + a2*X^2+aR*X^R
Where the a's are values automatically selected by CQG to make the curve fit.

      Hyperbolic: The Hyperbolic method uses the following formula:
Y(X) = a0 + a1/X + a2/X^2+aR/X^R
Generally works the same way as the Polynomial method, with the X's representing observed values and the a's representing coefficients which make the curve fit. However, this method would present a more accurate curve if the shape of the points was more like a hyperbola rather than a parabola, i.e. the curve does not switch directions.

Note: Users may want to try all three methods to see which yields the best fit for the observed points.

You must choose Smooth as the Display type for the smoothing variables to become active.

Choosing a Multiplier

Selecting a multiplier increases the values on the vertical scale by the selected factor. Enter the desired factor in the Multiplier section.

Add a Note to Options Graph

You can enter a note that appears whenever the Setup Options Graph Contents window is visible.

Showing/Hiding the Display Components

Select the Visible checkbox next to the desired display element to include that graph element in the display.

Clear the checkbox next to the desired display to eliminate that piece from the display.

Removing a Curve

Click the Remove button in the Setup Options Graph Contents window to remove the entire tab and all the curves associated with that tab.

Customizing Options Graphs

The Setup Options Graph Contents window enables you to add, remove and rename the tabs. Additionally, you can easily restore the window to its original settings.

To add a tab to the display:

1.  Click the New button

2.  This displays a new template with the Abbreviation and Description sections blank.

3.  Enter an Abbreviation and Description for the new tab.

4.  The abbreviated name actually appears on the tab.

5.  The description appears in the title bar.

6.  Select the Scale, Data and Display characteristics from the respective drop-down lists.

7.  Enter a caption, if you want one.

8.  The inputted caption appears as part of the mouse text.

9.  Select the desired Colors, Settings, Smoothing and Multiplier characteristics.

To remove a tab from the display:

1.  Select the desired tab.

2.  Click the Remove button.

3.  You cannot remove all the tabs; at least one must be displayed.

To rename a tab:

1.  Click in the Abbreviation box.

2.  Enter the new name.

3.  To restore the defaults:

4.  Click the Defaults button to restore the system to its original state (when first delivered to the user).


Restoring the Setup Options Graph Defaults

You can revert Options Graph displays to their original state (the state when CQG was first delivered) by:

Clicking on the Defaults button in any of the tabs in the Setup Options Graph Contents window.

This restores ALL the tabs to their original state.