Defining Email Settings

Your system administrator can help you set your email values. Here’s an example of a Gmail account setup.




E-Mail Server

Address of mail server that supports SMTP connection.

Server Port

SMTP server port number.

SMTP server username

User name registered on the server.

SMTP server mailbox

Mailbox on behalf of which mail will be sent.

SMTP server password

User password.

This servers requires encrypted…

If the server requires SSL, then check this box.

Use default e-mail client

If you want emails sent using your own email application, then check this box. Automatically sent emails, such as alerts and auto-run market scans, will always be sent via CQG because of anti-spam limitations.

To set preferences for Gmail accounts

Due to gmail account security settings, your attempt to email from CQG IC may be blocked by Google. Google notifies you of this blocked sign in attempt via email. This email includes instructions for changing your settings to allow these emails. Read more here

Note that Google’s 2-step verification must be turned off. Google provides instructions:



Value to enter

E-Mail Server

Server Port


SMTP server username

your Gmail user name

(i.e. the name that comes before “”)

SMTP server mailbox

Full email address with domain.

SMTP server password

Password for your Gmail account.

This servers requires encrypted…

Select this check box.

Use default e-mail client

Clear this check box.

To set preferences for Yahoo accounts

Due to Yahoo account security settings, your attempt to email from CQG IC may be blocked by Yahoo. Yahoo notifies you of this blocked sign in attempt via email. This email includes instructions for changing your settings to allow these emails. Read more here



Value to enter

E-Mail Server

Server Port


SMTP server username

Your Yahoo user name

SMTP server mailbox

Full email address with domain

SMTP server password

Password for your Yahoo account

This servers requires encrypted…

Select this check box

Use default e-mail client

Clear this check box

To set preferences for Earthlink accounts


Value to enter

E-Mail Server

Server Port


SMTP server username

Full email address with domain

SMTP server mailbox

Full email address with domain

SMTP server password

Password for your Earthlink account

This servers requires encrypted…

Clear this check box

Use default e-mail client

Clear this check box

To set preferences for AOL accounts


Value to enter

E-Mail Server

Server Port


SMTP server username

Your AOL user name

SMTP server mailbox

Full email address with domain

SMTP server password

Password for your AOL account

This servers requires encrypted…

Select this check box

Use default e-mail client

Clear this check box