The rate displayed for the currency is sent by the FCM with the rest of the nightly statement data. CQG will provide the rate if it is not provided with back office data. The rate is needed in order to accurately calculate the account value.
CQG uses CQG FX Indices values for current rate data. Your account is configured to use the current intraday currency rate by default. To change this setting, contact CQG. If the current intraday currency rate is not available, then yesterday’s settlement rate is used. For accounts that choose not to use the intraday currency rate, the system calculates risk based on the rate used by the account’s FCM on the most recent statement date. If that value is not available, then yesterday’s settlement rate is used.
You should not use
the add currency feature to change the cash balance of an account.
To add currency to balances
1. Go to Accounts > Balances.
2. Click the Insert New Balance button.
3. Select a currency from the drop down.
4. Select whether the currency is regulated or not. Regulated currency must be reported.
5. Enter the end cash balance for this currency.
6. Enter the collateral amount.
7. Click the Save button.
To change End Cash Balance or Collateral Values
1. Go to Accounts > Balances.
2. To adjust the current balance, type a new balance in the End Cash Balance field.
Permissions associated with this page
CAST Users > CAST Permissions > Risk Management > Account > View Balances
CAST Users > CAST Permissions > Risk Management > Account > Modify Balances
CAST Users > CAST Permissions > Risk Management > Account > Create Balances