Algorithmic Orders (AlgoOrders)

CQG offers these pre-defined AlgoOrders order types:

      DOM-Triggered (DT)

      DOM-Triggered Stop and Stop Limit (DTSL)

      Iceberg (ICBG)

      Market-If-Touched (MIT)

      Order-Places-Order (OPO)

      Puncher (PNCH)

      Replicator (REP)

      Scaling Bracket (SB)

      Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP)

      Volume-Triggered Cancel (VTC)

AlgoOrders are applications, one application per order type, that run in the background on your PC and register an order type in QTrader. These applications are downloaded from CQG’s website.

After being downloaded, the algorithmic order types are available for use in CQG IC trading applications as smart orders.

Once an order is placed, the AlgoOrder applications handle the order and execute it according to its algorithm.

You can also create your own algo order types using the Algorithmic Order Builder. CQG provides AlgoOrder source code for you to make the changes you need. The source codes include the AlgoOrder Builder module, which contains common objects for developing applications. Reuse these common objects to quickly and efficiently build your new algorithmic order.

The Algorithmic Orders system is powered by CQG API, providing users with a flexible platform to build their order types upon. System requirements for CQG API apply: .NET Framework 4 and Visual Studio 2010 to revise the source code. API Help