Clearing Data

The system menu provides options for you to clear data from the cache and the master table.


There are four menu items that may be useful to advanced users:

      Clear Data > Data Cache

What it does: Clears in-memory cache (bars in particular) causing data to be re-requested from the server.

When to use it: When you want to remove and re-request in-memory cached data only for a specific chart or any other application that has only one entity displayed.

      Clear Data > Disk Cache

What it does: Clears the saved chart bar and time and sales data from the local disk cache.

When to use it: When you want to remove all stored disk cache data. Bar data and time and sales data are saved again when you log off the software.

      Clear Data > Master Table

What it does: Deletes the internal objects that correspond to contracts and commodities and forces the system to re-request from the server the contracts and commodities that are in use.

When to use it: When issues with symbol resolution or options contracts occur.

      Clear Data > Cache Files

What it does: Deletes all files in the QTrader temp folder, which are the caches of corresponding server files. This forces the system to re-request the data that was stored there from the server on an “as needed” basis.

When to use it: When problems such as unsuccessful symbol resolution, incorrect names in the title of charts, incorrect session information (boundaries. holidays), and wrong scale occur.