The Quote Board, Last/Net Change, Market Watch, and Custom QuoteBoard toolbars include these buttons:
Edit button
Click this button to change the focus of the cell to input,
so that you can change the symbol: .
LastNet button
Click this button to open Last/Net Change (or to move to that window if there is one open already).
MWatch button
Click this button to open Market Watch(or to move to that window if there is one open already).
QBoard button
Click this button to open Quote Board(or to move to that window if there is one open already).
CustQB button
Click this button to open Custom QuoteBoard(or to move to that window if there is one open already).
QSS button
Click this button to open Quote SpreadSheet(or to move to that window if there is one open already).
EQSS button
Click this button to open Enhanced Quote SpreadSheet(or to move to that window if there is one open already).
Trade button
Click this button to turn on trading mode, which allows you to see trade data.
Hide buttons using the Toolbar Manager.