Selecting Display Preferences





Snap Window to Grid

Align the application window with Main window gridlines.


Set the spacing (in pixels) between each snap-to-grid point.


Select the style for background window gridlines. Choices are: Solid, Dash or Dot.


Select the grid indicator color for the Main window.

Note: This does not affect the active window color.

Align Window to Grid when Moving/Resizing

Snap window to the grid when it is moved or resized.

Page Background Color

Select the background color for the CQG background window.

Note: This does not affect the active window color.

Hold On Top Active Title Bar Color

Select the title bar color for hold-on-top windows (windows not in the page).

Minimizing main frame minimizes Out of Page windows

Minimize all windows, including out of page, when you minimize QTrader.

Turn On High DPI Monitor Support

When checked turns on high DPI monitor support. (Requires CQG restart and will affect screen layout.

Show Link Window button

When checked then the Linking Windows button on the title bar is displayed.